We Are Heroes!

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Braeden's POV

I was showing Lavana a confident smile, but... those wires really drained me. This fight is going to be incredibly difficult, but there's no way in hell I'll give up.

I rushed in, closing in on my android. It began unleashing pillars of concrete at me. I swiftly dodged each one, until I stumbled for a moment, and one of the pillar smashed into me, sending me flying back.

"Braeden!" Lavana exclaimed.

"Looks like you've given me no choice." Norman said as I stood back up. "I'll have to kill you Braeden Wilson."

"Yeah...?" I panted with exhaustion. "Then come try it...!"

Norman looked at my android.

"Android Braeden!" He started. "Merge!"

"Now merging cores." My android spoke as its body began glowing.

"Merge...?" I said with confusion.

Willis's POV

The 3 of us continued running through Waycorp, trying to find the other heroes.

"Willis?!" I heard a familiar voice, and turned to my left to see Valé and the other girls.

"It's Valé!" Said Preston.

"Where are the kids?" Vix asked. "How come they aren't with you?"

"They aren't here..." Said Tirza. "We have no idea where they are. Norman could've moved them before we got a chance to find them."

"Dammit." I cursed. "We've gotta find Norman then and the other heroes."

We then heard someone groaning with pain, and looked a ways ahead, seeing Declan dragging his body very slowly.

"That's...!" Said Callie.

"Declan!" Capri exclaimed as she ran straight to him.

"G-Guys...?" He weakly said as he finally fell over, but Capri caught him.

"Declan what happened?!" Valé asked. "Are you okay?"

"The androids... they had a way of weakening us... I had to use my full... power..." Declan said as he finally passed out in Capri's arms.

"Guys!" We heard Lee's voice on our communicators. "The cores! I think they're all heading for the roof!"

Right on cue, 4 cores from the androids flew past us, and shot up towards the roof.

"Lee is right!" Said Lenny. "I just saw it pass me not too long ago!"

"We're heading to the roof!" Said Dylan. "Everyone meet us there!"

Braeden's POV

4 cores from the androids floated down in front of my android. It absorbed them all, merging with the cores.

"What the hell did you do Norman?!" I exclaimed.

"This... is where you meet your end!" Norman smiled at me.

"Stage 1 of merging complete." My android spoke as a massive structure of metal and concrete had formed around it as a result of merging with the other cores.

" My android spoke as a massive structure of metal and concrete had formed around it as a result of merging with the other cores

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