Big Homie

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Braeden's POV

I blitzed forward, closing in on Big Homie, while he swung his fists.

"Thunder Strike!" I yelled as I smashed my leg into his fist.

We began fighting for dominance, but I could feel the muscles in my legs being ripped apart, and I yelled out in pain.

We began fighting for dominance, but I could feel the muscles in my legs being ripped apart, and I yelled out in pain

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"Powerful Impact!" Big Homie yelled as he smashed his other fist into my chest.

"A-AGH...!" I yelled out in pain as I was sent flying back.

I landed on my feet, and noticed that he had punched me so hard, it burned a hole through my shirt. I felt like I was about to throw up as a waterfall of blood poured out of my mouth. The spot where he had punched me was now dark purple.

 The spot where he had punched me was now dark purple

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Even still, I smiled. Internal bleeding from one punch? Just how strong is this guy?

"Watchu smiling for?!" He yelled to me.

I wiped the blood from my chin before speaking to him.

"It's been a while since I fought against someone as strong as you." I smiled. "I'm excited!"

I appeared in front of Big Homie, smashing my leg into his face, then punched him hard and fast.

I appeared in front of Big Homie, smashing my leg into his face, then punched him hard and fast

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