Peace In The Hood

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Braeden's POV

I smiled as Big Homie and Lamont hugged their mom. Then I felt Valé place her hand on my stomach, the spot where I was having internal bleeding.

"You're injured." She said.

"Don't worry about it." I smiled at her.

"You two..." Lavana walked over to us and looked at me. "Why'd you stop fighting...? Big Homie hasn't been defeated yet."

I looked back at Big Homie, Lamont, and Reta.

"Look at them Lavana." I said. "Being a hero isn't always about defeating villains."

Lavana's eyes began marveling. Then she walked towards me.

"I got her." She said as she lifted Valé into her arms.

"Thanks." I gave her a thumbs up as I spit out a clump of blood.

I then felt someone help me stand back up.

"You good?" It was Big Homie, and he had his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm good, thanks." I smiled.

"You got a lotta heart man." Big Homie said. "I know I should've listened to you, but still, thank you man. Ya'll saved my moms. You really are heroes."

Big Homie held his hand out, and I dapped him up as he pulled me into a man hug.

"It's what we do man." I smiled. "We'll always be there if you need help. We're heroes."

"Will she be okay?" Lamont asked referring to Valé, who was asleep in Lavana's arms.

"She'll be alright, she just overused her powers is all." I said.

"Oh please tell that beautiful young lady how grateful I am to her!" Reta said. "And thank you too young man."

"Me?" I smiled as I rubbed the back of my head. "Valé is the one who-"

"You beat some sense into my hard headed son!" Said Reta as she smacked Big Homie again.

"Gah! Come on mama!" Big Homie said.

My phone then started ringing, and I looked to see Dylan calling me.

"Dylan, hey." I said. "Everything going okay on your end?"

"Yeah." Dylan spoke through the phone. "He's finished, both his gang, and his powers are done."

A smile spread across my face.

"I knew you guys could do it." I said. "Everything's good here too, Valé did it. She healed Reta."

"My goat." Dylan smiled. "Your girl always comes through."

I looked back at Valé and smiled.

"Yeah." I nodded. "She does. WAIT SHE'S NOT-"

"I'll tell Lee. See ya!" Dylan said as he hung up.

I shook my head and sighed as my face heated up at Dylan calling Valé my girl.

"Big Homie." I started. "Diamondback is finished."

"What you mean...?" Big Homie asked me.

"The other heroes defeated him. He's lost his powers." I told him. "He's being taken to jail for shooting your mom as we speak."

Big Homie exhaled with relief, and laid down on the floor, covering his face with his hands.

"It's over now huh?" He said, then started laughing. "I never thought I'd see an end to this gang war."

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