The Detroit Kings

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Braeden's POV

The next day was here, and the 7 of us had met back up at Lamont's hideout. It was around 12 pm and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

"So... do we just like break in?" Lenny asked.

"Should we call for him?" Said Dylan.

"Oh. Ya'll are already here." We heard Lamont behind us.

"Hey Lamont." I smiled at him.

"Hi." Valé waved, which made him blush. That seemed to happen to him a lot when Valé smiles at him.

"Are ya'll ready to go? Warrendale is about 10 minutes from here." Said Lamont.

"Yeah." Lee nodded. "We're ready."

"Okay." Said Lamont. "I'll lead the way."

Capri's POV

I woke up that morning in the hospital. I felt a lot better and my wounds were wrapped up in bandages, but my body was also very sore.

I slowly say back up, and looked around. Tirza was in the bed next to me, but she was still asleep.

Then... I remembered last night... we were all completely crushed... by just 1 man.

The door then opened, and Spex's eyes widened when he saw me awake, and he ran straight to me.

"C-Capri! You woke up!" Spex exclaimed. "How are you feeling?"

"Like crap..." I groaned. "Where is everyone else?"

"They're all still asleep. You all suffered severe damage... and Hector and Jailen... their Hyper Crystals were cracked." Said Spex. "The bones in Vix's hand were completely shattered, and Willis has a few broken ribs. Callie suffered from blunt force head trauma, and Preston has a concussion."

Tears filled my eyes when Spex told the damage everyone had taken.

"Spex... we tried our hardest but... those people, they called themselves The Legion Of Liberators." I told him. "They were so powerful... Daniel was with them too."

"What?! Daniel was there?!" Spex said as I nodded my head. "Why wound he join a group of villains...?"

"Their leader, he was a man named Jin." I spoke, and I began to lightly tremble with fear when I thought back to that man. "Spex... I've never seen a person with so much strength... he had multiple powers like Devin did... I don't even think Braeden or the Upper 5 would be able to win against him-"

"Capri relax." Spex said.

I didn't realize it, but I was on the verge of hyperventilating.

"I'm sorry..." I said as tears began falling down my cheeks.

Spex pulled me into a hug, and rubbed my back.

"It's okay... it's okay..." He gently said as I cried into his chest. "You all did great. You didn't allow them to steal the cell activation, and fought like true heroes would. You've all made me... incredibly proud."

Spex's POV

Anger coursed through my veins as I left the hospital, and got in my car. Those kids... they were in such horrible shape... 2 of them lost their powers.

I can't tell Braeden and the others yet... I know they'll rush back home. They're on a mission that I sent them on, and it would only distract them.

So... The Legion Of Liberators, and a man named Jin, who has multiple powers... I'll look into this when I get back to the facility... I have a terribly bad feeling... that Devin... wasn't the great evil...

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