The End Of The Upper 5

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Braeden's POV

I was back at our facility. It was in complete ruin, and a mess of rubble and destroyed chunks of buildings.

"I've always loved you. I'm sorry... that I didn't... get to tell you..."


I turned my head, and saw what used to be Valé's room. I didn't want to go in, but my body moved anyway.

There was rubble everywhere, just like the rest of our facility. I saw something sticking out from the rubble, and lifted up a picture frame. It was a shattered group picture of Dylan, Lee, Declan, Lenny, Valé, and me.

I stared hard at the picture. It's like I could feel my heart twisting itself into knots.

In the corner of the room, I could see a gift box, somehow still intact. It was dusty, but it was definitely still in one piece. I walked over to it, and lifted it up, brushing off the dust.

At the bottom of the box, there was writing on it.

To, Braeden. Love Valé.

My eyes widened, and I began opening the box.

I held in my hands, an incredibly well made, yellow cape. It was soft, and smooth like silk, but the material was also very durable.

Then, I noticed a small note attached to the cape. I pulled it off, and began reading it in my head.

I made this all by myself. I know that yellow is your favorite color, and I thought you would look really cool in this! It's true that not all heroes where capes, but I think that you still deserve one, because you're my greatest hero.

I wiped the tears that began to fill my eyes, and I squeezed the cape in my hands.

Jin... wait until I find you... I'll kill you no matter what it takes...!

Dylan's POV

I began buttoning up the shirt on my tuxedo. Today was the day... it's Valé's funeral.

There was a few knocks at the door, which caught my attention.

"Come in." I said.

The door opened up, and Donovan, Shims, and Tuco walked into the room.

"Hey man." Said Tuco. "How're you feeling?"

"Heavy." I said. "I... just feel heavy."

"I wish we'd been there to help." Said Donovan. "Valé was so nice. To everybody."

"She didn't deserve what happened to her." Said Shims. "It's nobody's fault except for Jin's."

Since our facility was destroyed, we were now staying at our old academy. Some of the heroes from Spex's apprentice program were still attending, along with a lot of new heroes that we hadn't met yet.

But... Braeden didn't come back with us. In fact, we haven't seen him at all since the hospital.

"Do you think Braeden will be at the funeral...?" Donovan asked.

"He'll be there." I said. "He has to be."

"Dylan." I heard Lee's voice, and saw him standing at the doorway. "It's time."

I nodded my head, and we began heading out.

Echo and Minerva were both quiet, and walked with their heads down.

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