Heroic Planning

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Braeden's POV

"This way!" The little boy yelled as we continued following him.

He led us through a dark alley, and to an abandoned building. He climbed up the ledge and jumped through the window.

"That kids got some moves." Said Lee.

"Come on." Dylan said as he jumped up, and grabbed the ledge, then followed the boy through the window. We all did the same.

"Got it?" I asked Valé as I helped her through the window.

"Yes." She nodded. "Thank you."

"Alright you little runt! Where the hell did you take us?!" Lavana yelled at him.

"Can you calm down for 5 seconds?" Lenny said. "He just helped us escape possible death."

"It's so dark in here though..." Said Declan. "Where exactly are we?"

"Sorry." The little boy said as we heard him pull a string, and the lights turned on.

All around us, were lots of cozy beanbag chairs, empty soda and Gatorade bottles, and a trash bag full of empty chip bags. There were also stacks of comic books next to one of the beanbag chairs.

"You... live here?" Lee asked.

"This is my secret hideout." The little boy spoke. "My name is Lamont. Lamont Davis."

"Nice to meet you Lamont." I smiled. "Thanks for getting us out of there. I'm Braeden and this is-"

"Y-Yeah I know who you guys are." Lamont said as his eyes began shining. "You're the Upper 5. And you're Valé, the girl that can heal any wound."

"WHAT ABOUT ME YOU DAMN BRAT?!" Lavana yelled.

"You just started hero training." Said Dylan. "Why wound he know you?"

"Tch. Whatever!" Lavana crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"You did all of this on your own?" Valé said to Lamont, then smiled at him. "That's really cool."

He blushed when she said that, and quickly looked away.

"A-All of my friends at school think it's lame." He said.

"What grade are you in?" Lenny asked him.

"4th." Lamont said. "But I um... have a tough time making friends. There's these bullies that always make fun of me for reading comic books, and say liking superheroes is lame."

"Well they're lame." Said Declan.

"There's nothing cooler than being a hero." Dylan said. "Take it from us."

"Heroes always win too." Said Lee.

"T-That's what I told them!" Lamont said.

"How about this? We can all take a picture together. Then you can show those bullies that you saved the strongest heroes in the country." Declan said.

Lamont's eyes lit up when Declan said that.

"Really...? You'd do that?" Lamont said.

"For sure. But first we need to know something." Lee said. "Why did you help us out? That was really dangerous but brave too."

"Because... I'm the one that began leaking information about the underground fighting ring." Lamont said. "I needed heroes to come here."

"Wait but then how did those guys know we'd be coming?" Said Lenny.

"They mentioned something about someone named Big Homie giving them orders to get rid of us." Said Valé.

"Yeah... Big Homie is my big brother." Said Lamont.

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