Symbol Of Evil

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Braeden's POV

I immediately rushed in towards Jin, lightning shrouding my fist. A tornado began swirling underneath Jin, making him airborne.

"Bolt Strike!" I yelled.

"Air Cannon!" Jin said as he raised his hand.

I smashed my fist straight into his palm right as he unleashed a powerful blast of wind. I was no match as the wind blast launched me away, and sent me flying right into a building.

 I was no match as the wind blast launched me away, and sent me flying right into a building

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He's using Kenji's powers... he absorbed the Air Giga Crystal!

"This power is very nice." Jin said. "I'd been needing a more reliable long range attack."

I jumped out of the destroyed building and rushed straight towards Jin once again.

"Thunder Strike!" I yelled as I closed in.

This time Jin created a shield made of air, and I smashed my leg into it. Our collision was so fierce and powerful that it created a giant explosion that leveled every building around us.

 Our collision was so fierce and powerful that it created a giant explosion that leveled every building around us

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I jumped back as the dust cloud faded away. Jin was still completely unharmed.

"You don't seem as powerful as when you took down Waycorp." Jin said. "Something wrong with your Hyper Crystal?"

"I'm not here to talk." I said to Jin. "You won't be hurting anybody else...!"

My power began rising more and more, as an intense shroud of lightning swarmed my body, and thunderbolts rained all around me, while lightning burst out of my eyes.

My power began rising more and more, as an intense shroud of lightning swarmed my body, and thunderbolts rained all around me, while lightning burst out of my eyes

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