The Anomalies

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Echo's POV

The 5 of us ran as fast we could, trying our hardest to reach the rooftop of the building.

"Why are we running?!" Jomei said. "We should stay and fight!"

"Didn't you see what that guy did to Mrs. Cable?!" Minerva yelled at Jomei. "She didn't even have any powers... and yet he still..."

"Tch! You guys are scaredy cats!" Said Lance as he stopped running. "We have all this power! We shouldn't be the ones running away!"

"L-Lance we're only kids..." I said.

"You're a kid Echo." Lance said to me. "I'm 11 years old, you're 9. And I'm a fighter!"

"Heck yeah Lance!" Jomei smiled. "Let's go get this guy! Kenji, you with us?"

"I-I..." Kenji started.

Us kids are orphans. My name is Echo, then there's Lance, Jomei who's 10 years old, Kenji who's also 10, and Minerva who's 9 like me.

But... there was something happening. Someone attacked our orphanage. We were told to escape to the rooftop, but I'm not sure why. I don't even know who's attacking us but... he's killed people already. Everyone on the lower floors... they're all dead because of one man...

"What are you kids doing?!" A man wearing a uniform from our orphanage ran out of the stairwell door, and into the hallway we were standing in. His name was Melvin, one of our caretakers.

"Mr. Melvin! What's happening?" Kenji asked.

"You kids need to get to the rooftop! The Sentinels will be there to take you somewhere safe!" Said Melvin.

"The Sentinels?" Minerva asked.

"There's no time to explain." Melvin said as he walked towards us. "Come on. Let's-"

A man wearing all black showed up behind Melvin, and crushed his throat in his hand. Blood began spurting out of Melvin's eyes and nose as he fell to the ground. His neck was crushed and disfigured, like someone had just squeezed playdoe.

I screamed in horror at the sight of Melvin's lifeless body on the floor.

"M-Mr. Melvin..." Minerva said, her eyes wide with shock and terror.

The man that killed Melvin slowly walked towards us. There were 0 emotions in his eyes.

"I-It's a supervillain..." Kenji said with fear.

"You kids born with Crystals." The man said. "Your mothers all died giving birth to you so you could live. And for what? To be born as curses with the sole purpose of plaguing the world?"

He looked right at me when he said that, which petrified me.

"Let's run!" Minerva said.

"No way!" Jomei yelled. "We can beat this guy!"

"Yeah!" Lance agreed.

"Your power..." The man started. "Will be mine!"

He lunged right at us, while Lance and Jomei stood in front of me, Minerva, and Kenji.

"Let's go!" Jomei said as put his fists together, and a blue aura began shining around his body.

"Take this!" Lance yelled as silver dragon heads made of an indestructible metal shot out of his shoulders and crushed the man into the ground before he could reach us.

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