The Legion Of Liberators vs The Upper 5

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Jin's POV

My body shined with a bright blue glow as it charged with aura.

"Aura Eruption!" I yelled as I unleashed a massive explosion of blue aura consuming the entirety of the Upper 5's facility.

The ground shook as the explosion's blasts continued going off, creating a giant cloud of smoke that rose into the air, and making fires rage on the grounds.

"Is it time?" Daniel asked as his spikes grew on his body.

"Move in. Kill every hero. Find the Cell Activation Fluid, and the remaining Giga Crystals." I spoke. "Today... this ends."

Braeden's POV

In an instant, I was sent flying. A giant blast had erupted around us, separating Valé and I.

"V-Valé!" I yelled out to her.

"Braeden...!" She cried out as she reached her hand out to me, but the explosion sent us both flying away.

I crashed into the ground hard and smoke filled my lungs.

I quickly stood back up... but my entire surroundings were nothing but destruction. Fires raged around me, along with rubble and dust. It was dark and I was having a tough time seeing my way through.

There's only one reason this could've happened... they're here...

Dylan's POV

The entire area was in ruins. I had been blown away, separated from everyone else. The only person I had with me was Lee.

"Lee are you alright?!" I asked him.

"I'm okay." Lee said. "It's gotta be the Legion... they're here."

"We don't have time to go find everyone else... we've gotta reach these villains and take them down." I said as I put my fist to my palm.

"Yeah. I agree." Lee said.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my head.

"Lee look out!" I yelled as tackled Lee to the ground right as a massive boulder came shooting towards us.

My hazard sense began going haywire as we stood back up, and turned around.

"So that's Dylan and Lee of the Upper 5..." We heard voices as we saw 3 silhouettes walking through the dust cloud.

"We'll kill them here to get them out of the way." Another voice said, this time it was a girl.

3 people faced us. 2 guys and 1 girl. We recognized them immediately from Spex's briefing a while ago.

"Kabir, Serene, and Corvin..." Lee started. "From The Legion Of Liberators."

"We've become well known it seems." Said Kabir. "Hope you two will put up more of a fight then your other friends."

"Lee! Dylan!" We heard Braeden's voice and turned around.

"Braeden!" We both exclaimed.

"Ah the wielder of the Perfect Hyper Crystal." Said Corvin. "Jin wants you dead most of all."

"Are you guys okay?" Braeden asked.

"We're alright." Said Lee. "Are you?"

"I'm okay... but Valé and I were separated..." Braeden said. "And I don't know if anyone is with Echo and Minerva."

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