🍋 Erotism (Shinso x Female!Reader)

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*♡request for Mido_24Chan♡*

"Tell me where you want me to touch you." He whispered in your ear, the feel of his warm breath causing shivers down your spine. Embarrassed, you were at a loss for words.

A strong hand rubbed up and down your thigh, and you felt your breathing get heavier as goosebumps appeared on your skin. You squirmed against him, moving your hips forward, wanting more from him.

"Words baby, be a good girl, and tell me what you want." He chuckled as your face flushed red. He spread your legs apart, feeling how wet you already were, violaceous eyes watching. Waiting expectantly for your response.

"I want to play with your hair while your tongue plays with my pussy." You blurted as you hid your face from him, barely seeing his lazy smirk from between your fingers. Lowering himself he spread your legs, kissing your inner thigh.

"Your wish is my command." He murmured before taking your clit into his mouth, sucking it hard until you cried out in pleasure hands lacing into his soft locks.

He took his time playing with you, alternating between light teasing bites and tight suction that had you bucking against his face, pulling his hair causing him to groan in response.

When he knew you were close he removed his mouth. "You're so fucking hot like this, all wet and ready for me." Your gaze followed him up as he moved closer, kissing you hard on the lips before whispering in your ear.

"Beg me to fuck you baby." He growled. You opened your mouth to say something when a finger slipped inside you, rubbing slow circles around your g spot making you cry out instead.

He pushed another finger inside you, thrusting them in deep as you gasped loudly. "Do you want me?"

"I need you inside me, please fuck me!" You pleaded in a broken voice, unable to speak louder because of the overwhelming desire building up inside of you. Looking into his hooded eyes you could only nod. He kissed you again, hungrily as he pulled his fingers away, a whine escaping your throat from the sudden loss of stimulation.

His fingers brushed against your clit sending shocks of electricity throughout your body, making you push yourself further into his hand. Panting hard you looked up to see him slowly rubbing his cock against your slick wet folds.

The second his head pushed inside you you bit your lip trying to hold back moans as he filled you completely. Feeling his shaft hitting every spot inside of you made you moan and whimper, flinching at each deep thrust.

His pace was slow, almost agonizingly so which only added to your arousal as you felt him push deeper inside you.

You reached up to wrap your arms around his neck tightly, nipping at his lower lip. He wrapped an arm around your waist as you both began rocking your hips, moaning softly. His other hand caressed your breast causing you to shudder against his touch.

Taking his face in your hands you kissed him deeply as you wrapped your legs tightly around his waist, earning a muffled moan from him.

His arm tightened around you causing you to squeak in surprise as he fucked you faster and harder.

Feeling your orgasm build up you tried to tell him to stop but couldn't find the words. Instead you grabbed onto his hair tightly pulling him deeper into you as you bucked against him faster and faster. Your breath came out in sharp gasps as you climaxed, moaning loudly as pleasure overtook you completely.

He slammed into you hard and fast one last time before coming deep inside of you. His strong arms held you tightly against him until his breathing evened out again. "Fuck." he breathed as you let go of his hair and slid your hands down his chest, as you placed a gentle kiss on his neck, making him shiver.

"Mmm..." You hummed contentedly before pulling away. The feeling of him inside of you, his heat radiating off of him as you continued to explore his body with your hands. His member hardening again inside.

"I want you." He breathed in a soft tone. You looked into his eyes as they blazed with passion. "More than anything right now...Please." he pleaded.

You smiled at the lust that poured out of him, slowly shifting under him you then pushed him over onto his back and straddled him.

"How could I say no to that?" You grinned as you lifted yourself up enough to start working his member, slowly lowering yourself down. He moved slightly beneath you, rolling his hips upwards in an attempt to get more of himself inside you.

"Yeah baby, that's it..." He groaned in response as he held onto your hips for support as he felt your wetness engulfing him. "Please..Don't stop.."

Moving back and forth slowly at first, you increased your speed as he watched your movements intently.

As he sat there looking up at you through hooded eyes, you felt him begin to tense underneath you.

Reaching down between you two you wrapped your fingers around his shaft gently tugging on it, watching him gasp and shudder beneath you. "Don't cum yet." You told him in a husky voice as you continued riding him.

"Just keep going...please." He said roughly in a demanding tone, tightening his grip on your hips.

You paused momentarily before shaking your head lightly. A coy smirk plastered on your face.

He let out a frustrated groan as you quickly lifting yourself up and slamming yourself back down onto him. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as you repeated this several times.

You could feel him stiffen under you once more before a low growl escaped his lips. Slowly letting go of his shaft, you raised yourself up to kiss him deeply as he jerked underneath you.

Once your lips broke apart he gripped your hips firmly, pushing them down as he thrusted into you violently, grinding against you as you met each of his powerful thrusts.

Your skin started to tingle all over as his forceful strokes brought your release closer.

"Shinso please, don't stop..." You panted desperately as he clenched his jaw, not being able to take much more.

"I'm not gonna stop until you've had your fill!" He grunted, biting his lip as he pumped into you faster, his hand resting against your clit causing you to explode in orgasm, grinding your teeth together in pleasure as his hot seed spilled into you. You held yourself tightly against him, milking every ounce of cum.

Eventually your breathing returned to normal as you collapsed against his body. Neither of you spoke for some time as you simply rested against each other.

Word Count: 1136

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