Chapter 35 They got married

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Half a month later, the rainy season finally passed.

After a month, Shen Zhinan finally saw the sun again.

The sun hung high in the sky and dried up the water on the ground in two days. As soon as the rainy season passed, new shoots sprouted and grew rapidly. The sky became completely clear and the air became fresher.

The rainy season had just passed and the ground was dry, so Shen Zhinan and Kurosawa's worship service was put on the agenda.

"Nannan, tomorrow is our day of worship."

Kurosawa couldn't hide his excitement.

Shen Zhinan nodded, feeling relaxed.

The wedding here is really simple. You don't need to wear any so-called formal attire, nor do you need any complicated procedures. You just need to follow the clan leader and elders to worship your ancestors tomorrow, and that's it.

This is exactly what Shen Zhinan wants, the simpler, the better.

After completing the so-called worship ceremony of the bear clan, he can ask Kurosawa to take him to the Butterfly Cave another day.

"Nannan, I..." Kurosawa looked at Shen Zhinan's pretty face and wanted to say something to express his joyful mood, but he was afraid of revealing his secrets, so he hesitated and chose to hold it back.

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Shen Zhinan stopped talking in the middle of the sentence, and took the initiative to ask: "What are you?"

Kurosawa shook his head and smiled: "It's nothing, I just want to get up very early tomorrow and go to bed early at night. ."

Shen Zhinan nodded and said, "I understand. "

Kurosawa looked at Shen Zhinan with a smile, and the more he looked at it, the happier he became.

Tomorrow is the day of worship between him and Shen Zhinan. From now on, in the eyes of the tribe, Shen Zhinan will be his female, and there will be no more males staring at him.

Even if Naen and other males like Shen Zhinan, they can no longer pursue him when he has a male.

Shen Zhinan glanced at the nice weather outside and said, "Take me out for a walk."

Kurosawa nodded, immediately got up and took Shen Zhinan out.

The two came to the outskirts of the Bear Clan's territory. There was a forest there, and there were many plants growing in it that Shen Zhinan had never seen before.

He would ask Kurosawa which ones were herbs and which ones were just ordinary trees and grasses.

Kurosawa was very patient and answered him one by one.

Shen Zhinan looked at him with a smile, "Kurosawa, you are the kind of man who can go shopping with his girlfriend for a day without complaining."

Kurosawa looked confused and did not understand this sentence well.

Shen Zhinan smiled and said, "It's nothing, I'm just complimenting you."

Hearing that he was complimenting himself, Kurosawa immediately smiled.

Shen Zhinan couldn't help but curled up his lips, handed the herbs in his hand to Kurosawa, and then tugged at the small bush next to him to see if there was anything else.

Suddenly seeing some familiar little seedlings, he was stunned at first, and then called Kurosawa excitedly, "Kurosawa, are these rice seedlings? Is this a rice seedling??"

Shen Zhinan had lived in the countryside, so the rice seedlings He knew them all. His grandfather's family grew rice. When it was harvest time, he would play in the fields, and the fields were full of villagers harvesting rice.

Kurosawa looked confused, "Rice??"

Kurosawa didn't know what it was, and had never heard of it.

Only then did Shen Zhinan realize that Kurosawa definitely didn't know rice, and people here didn't eat rice.

He squatted down and carefully looked at the new seedlings a few centimeters high that grew under the bush several times. He was sure that these were rice seedlings.

Rice grows better when there is water. These are grown one after another after the rainy season. Some are only a few centimeters high, and some are more than ten centimeters high.

I don't know if millet can grow successfully here...

"Kurosawa, let's dig some home bells!" Shen Zhinan looked at Kurosawa eagerly.

Kurosawa naturally agreed to everything, "Okay."

With Kurosawa's agreement, Shen Zhinan quickly pulled out a lot of rice seedlings. After pulling out a few small bundles, he stopped. His eyes were bright, "This time. I have to pick so many, but I don't know if they can be planted successfully. If they can be planted, there will be a lot of millet. Next time I will pull out the seedlings and continue planting. "

If they can grow well, I will pull out more and go back to planting ." That's it.

Kurosawa nodded.

After the two returned home, Shen Zhinan actively circled a small 4x4 area in the yard, loosened the soil, and poured water on it. After the soil was all wet and turned into mud, he then dug it one by one. Plant the rice seedlings you pulled back.

Kurosawa looked at it curiously and asked: "Nan Nan, what is this grown for?"


"Eat?" Kurosawa looked surprised. Can this little grass be eaten?

"Yes, this is millet. When it grows up, it will grow ears, and then grind the rice grains out and you will have rice to eat!" Shen Zhinan raised his head and said with a smile. His hands were full of mud. This will cause mesophobia. The problem is gone.

Kurosawa remembered that he had heard the word rice before. Shen Zhinan had said it several times before, saying that rice was just small grains, edible, and he liked to eat it very much.

Thinking of this, Kurosawa immediately looked forward to it, "I hope it can be planted."

Shen Zhinan nodded. He will know in a few months whether he can eat rice successfully.

But a few months later... I don't know if he is still here. If he is not here anymore, let Kurosawa eat it. Another day he will teach Kurosawa Millet how to grind the rice, add water and cook it before eating.

Soon all the rice seedlings were planted. Shen Zhinan patted his muddy hands and said, "If you water these seedlings every day from now on, they should grow up slowly."

Kurosawa nodded and said. This task can be given to him, and he will definitely complete it every day.

Shen Zhinan washed the mud off his hands and nodded with a smile.

"Go back and make dinner, I'm hungry,"

he said.

Kurosawa nodded and said yes, and then quickly went into the house to get something from the cellar, like a good twenty-four man, diligent and obedient.

Shen Zhinan waited outside for a while, and Kurosawa came out with a few hares and wild fruits. He said, "Nannan, there isn't much food left. We will go hunting again in a few days."

The food stored before There was enough. After the rainy season, they still had some left. Because they had been left out for a long time, they had to eat them first before going hunting. In the past few days, everyone in the clan went hunting, but Kurosawa did not go.

"Well, I will go pick some fruits with Patsy and the others another day. The fruits are almost gone."

Shen Zhinan nodded.

"There aren't many left."

"Okay, I'll pick more."

Shen Zhinan said. Kurosawa was responsible for hunting to fill his stomach, so he had to do something. He couldn't just do nothing.

Kurosawa nodded happily and said yes. He and Nannan's task assignments were the same as those of other couples. The male went out to hunt while the female went to pick herbs.

Looking at Shen Zhinan's fair face, Kurosawa wished he could live like this forever.


Shen Zhinan went to bed very early at night, and went to bed around nine o'clock.

Kurosawa chatted with him about previous salutations. He said that there were three pairs of salutes last time, and one of them accidentally rolled down the mountain when they came back. The female slipped on it, and the male reached out to pull it, and then they rolled down together and were caught. The tribesmen chased her but couldn't hold her back. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the end, because the male held the female tightly in his arms, and his chest was small, rough and fleshy, with just a few flesh wounds.

"Is it so dangerous to go up the mountain?" Shen Zhinan asked.

"Well, at the top of the mountain, it's difficult to walk in the mountains,"

Kurosawa said.

Shen Zhinan thought to himself that the mountain road is so difficult to walk, why are the ancestors still buried on the top of the mountain? It's really strange.

But this was a matter for other people's clan, so he couldn't ask too much.

Heize took Shen Zhinan's wrist and said seriously: "Nan Nan, don't worry, I will protect you tomorrow and I will never let you get hurt."

Shen Zhinan smiled helplessly and gently shook off his hand. "Who wants you to protect me? I can walk on mountain roads. The weather will definitely be good tomorrow and the ground will be dry. I can definitely do it."

It made him look so weak.

Kurosawa thought it would be really difficult to leave, but seeing that Shen Zhinan didn't believe him, he didn't say much. He would know when he went there tomorrow morning.

Shen Zhinan didn't take Kurosawa's words to heart and thought he could definitely do it, but he was indeed slapped in the face the next day.

He and Kurosawa were woken up by people outside at dawn. They quickly got up and put on their clothes, washed their faces and brushed their teeth and walked out. The team had already arrived.

Shen Zhinan glanced at the sky that had just dawned, and wondered if he needed to go so early?

He was a little confused, and glanced at the rice seedlings in the yard with his peripheral vision. He saw that the rice seedlings were already a little green, and the leaves were soft.

But Shen Zhinan knew that this was not a big problem. As soon as they were transplanted and planted, the roots would be like this before they penetrated into the soil and continued to grow. In a few days, they would slowly become energetic and continue to grow again.

Walking outside the house, Mir and Xinnuo were already there.

Xinnuo smiled and waved to the two of them.

Shen Zhinan smiled at him, and when he looked around, he realized that it was not just the two of them, but there were two pairs of males and females, and the other two pairs happened to be both females.

In the setting of this era, he is a male and a female, and Xinnuo is a male and a female, just opposite each other.

Many tribesmen came, and there were hundreds of people in a long queue.

The clan leader and elders were walking in front. When they saw the two people coming out, they said, "Let's go."

After that, they took the lead and walked in front.

The clan leader and elders and several senior elders walked at the front. As newcomers, Shen Zhinan and Kurosawa followed behind the clan leader and elders. Behind them was a long queue.

Xin Nuo came over and spoke to Shen Zhinan in a low voice. His voice trembled slightly, and you could tell he was nervous.

Shen Zhinan became very calm. He said to Xin Nuo: "You look good in what you wear today.

" , and give me what I'm wearing today."

"It's so beautiful."

Shen Zhinan smiled and praised today's bride.

Xin Nuo blushed and said, "You are good-looking too, Zhinan. You look good in anything you wear!"

After walking on the flat road to the foot of the mountain, they started to enter the mountain. The leader of the tribe shouted to everyone in the tribe. Be careful and then lead the way up the mountain.

This mountain road is really extremely difficult to walk. It's not like there was a road directly up the mountain like later, but there is no road. You can only walk along the lush trees, bushes, weeds and other plants, and you can't see the road under your feet at all.

The road is full of twists and turns. You can climb to the top of the mountain in twenty minutes by walking in a straight line. However, due to the twists and turns, it may take more than an hour to climb to the top of the mountain.

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