Chapter 109 Successfully quit breastfeeding ~

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Kurosawa did a great job during the day. The child drank a little milk in the afternoon and ate fruit puree the rest of the time.

However, both children's eyes were red from crying and their voices were a little hoarse.

Calling daddy hoarsely, Shen Zhinan held the child in his arms. His heart was broken. He didn't eat much dinner because of his emotions.

After putting the child to sleep at night, Kurosawa gave him a supper and roasted half a chicken for him to eat.

After finishing their supper, the two of them hid next door to get out the extra rations.

Now Pingping has completely stopped drinking, and Guoguo and Tangtang are also quitting milk. They only eat a little bit during the day. This will make him feel very uncomfortable. He must get rid of it, otherwise he will not be able to sleep at night.

But I haven't drank during the day, and now it's like a bottle filled with water, leaving no space at all, the bulges are full, and the two huge ones are hanging there, and Kurosawa's big palms are struggling to control them. .

Shen Zhinan's cheeks were very hot and he raised his head without looking.

Kurosawa looked straight at it, "Nannan, this is so wasteful."


The child doesn't need to eat it or throw it away, so what's the point of using it?

"How about I"

"Shut up."

Shen Zhinan interrupted him, "Just get it out for me honestly. Don't think about anything else. I know what you want to say."

This guy's thoughts were obvious. It's obvious that he just wants to steal the children's food rations.

If you eat it while making love, it's fine. But if you eat it specially, Shen Zhinan will definitely not want to eat it. How strange is that? Who would eat this.

Kurosawa curled his lips, feeling a little aggrieved, "Everything from other people's houses is for their partners."

"You're a liar, I don't believe it."

Shen Zhinan snorted.

"Really, if you don't believe me, just ask Patsy. It won't be wasted. If Zaizai can't finish it, he'll give it to his partner."

Seeing that his tone didn't sound like he was lying, Shen Zhinan turned red-eared and said, "That won't work either. Others Home is someone else's home, and our home is ours. I have the final say. If I say no, it's no. If you dare not listen, I'll kick you out and find another male."

Shen Zhinan said it all. He won't take the bowl and feed it to this stupid bear.

It feels strange to think about it.

It's none of his business what other people do, but he just doesn't accept it.

"You are not allowed to talk nonsense!" Kurosawa was a little angry and deliberately used more force.

Bai Ruanbai squeezed it, slipped through his fingers, and was held tightly by him again.

Shen Zhinan gasped in pain, looked down and saw finger marks. He turned around angrily and bit him on the chin, "How dare you catch me!"

"Who told you to talk nonsense? You actually said you were going to go. " Find another male."

Kurosawa said aggrievedly, his handsome and upright face looked aggrieved, and his pitiful little expression was completely inconsistent with his aura, which was quite inconsistent.

Shen Zhinan was a little helpless. She knew clearly that he was pretending to be aggrieved, but that was what he did.

He whispered in a low voice: "What I'm saying is, if you don't listen to me, I will go find someone else, so don't you just listen to me honestly?"

"Don't I listen to you enough?" Kurosawa Feeling wronged again, "I will do whatever you ask me to do."

Shen Zhinan rolled his eyes, thinking that you are usually obedient and responsive to requests, but at night, when you are on the bed, you are not like this. On the couch, he didn't listen to anything he said, he was more excited than a dog, he couldn't hold me down, and his threats were useless.

"Nan Nan, am I not good enough?" Kurosawa whispered into his ear, with grievance still hidden in his tone.

Shen Zhinan sighed and hooked his neck with one hand, "Very good, you did very well. You are a good father and a good partner."

This is the truth.

"Really?" Kurosawa asked.

Shen Zhinan nodded seriously, "Really, pearls are not so real." Kurosawa

was happy now, and kissed his temples, from temples to earlobes, breathing hot, and said in a low voice: "Then can we do it next time?"

He said something very colorful in Shen Zhinan's ear.

Shen Zhinan: ""

It's okay, don't even think about it in this life!

After talking nonsense for more than 20 minutes, they finally got it done. The two of them returned to the room from the next door. The three children were fast asleep.

Pingping had rolled to the end of the bed and curled up to sleep.

Tangtang lay on the inside and Guoguo lay on the outside.

Shen Zhinan climbed up and lay down gently. He lay between Guoguo and Tangtang, because this was the best position to feed the child at night. Turn over to this side to feed Tangtang, and turn over to lie on the other side. , that is, feeding Guoguo.

Kurosawa was lying on the outside, with Guoguo between him and Shen Zhinan.

The window is open a small crack, and the moonlight shines in. There is some faint light to see some things clearly. The night breeze is cool, and it is not hot to sleep in the room. It is spring now, and it is easy to fall asleep. When it comes to summer, it will be uncomfortable.

Kurosawa hooked Shen Zhinan's index finger and said, "Nannan, I just said, promise me."


Shen Zhinan refused forcefully and gave him a roll of the eyes.

"Nannanan" Kurosawa lowered his voice and tried to be coquettish again, "You think about it before you answer. Don't reject me so quickly."

"I won't consider it."

Shen Zhinan still refused forcefully and turned over, meaning Obviously, I don't want to care about him.

Kurosawa let out a long sigh, covered them with thin animal skins, and closed his eyes with regret.

Shen Zhinan looked at the moonlight outside the window and thought about his plan.

In fact, he didn't want to refuse Kurosawa, he just refused on purpose, thinking of giving him a surprise then.

From the time he was pregnant to now, nearly two years, it was not just him who suffered, Kurosawa also had an even harder time. Kurosawa was responsible for everything at home, including hunting and cooking. He was also the one who took care of him when he was uncomfortable during pregnancy, and She was always concerned about his emotions. In the later period, he couldn't lie down to sleep. Kurosawa also sat up with him to sleep. He often couldn't rest well. He had to continue to take care of him during the day. After that, he took care of the children and coaxed them. Kurosawa also had them. participated, so he worked really hard.

In the past two years, if Kurosawa hadn't been so energetic as a male, he might have aged ten years.

Now that the child has grown up and is about to stop breastfeeding, everything is slowly getting better. This stupid bear only has this little wish, how can he be willing to refuse?

So he was going to give him an unexpected surprise and reward him well.

Although it was a bit shameful, it was all a matter within their room and no one else knew about it, so he just went ahead and implemented it boldly.

It can only be implemented when the child has completely stopped breastfeeding. It cannot be done now. This will give him time to prepare mentally.

Shen Zhinan closed his eyes, thinking of Kurosawa's request just now and that he wanted to secretly implement this surprise for him, his heart began to beat wildly, and his face began to get slightly hot.

The second before I finally fell asleep, I was thinking about how Kurosawa would react to this unexpected surprise.

The child woke up at night and cried and wanted to eat. Kurosawa fed him fruit puree, but when he refused to eat, Shen Zhinan took him over and fed him some milk. After eating a little milk to coax him away from crying, he fed Kurosawa fruit. Mud, the familiar taste made them smash it with their lips and eat it.

After serving Guoguo and Tangtang, the two lay down tiredly and continued to sleep. The task of quitting breastfeeding was considered to be 10% completed.

During the day, Kurosawa took care of him, and he didn't give him any milk at all, and he only ate fruit puree and rice cereal. At night, he gave him a little bit of milk, and he ate it with fruit puree.

After repeating this operation for four days, the child completely adapted to the taste of fruit puree and rice cereal, and no longer cried loudly because there was no milk to drink.

By the sixth day, I had completely quit.

Shen Zhinan stuffed it into their mouths, and they didn't even drink, they just held it in their mouths.

On the tenth day, I didn't even give them a latch.

Finally, they quit breastfeeding successfully. At this time, Guoguo and Tangtang also learned to walk. They could walk for a while, but they walked crookedly, giving people the illusion that they would fall at any time.

The two children were extremely happy when they learned to walk. They would play and chase each other. From time to time, they would plop down on the ground, get up and continue chasing. Pingping also played with her younger siblings. The little ones would often make a mess in the house and clean it up. It was good but messy again, and in the end Shen Zhinan simply stopped cleaning it, thinking that when they were older they would stop making trouble and tidy up the house.

Shen Zhinan found out that after he had a child, his mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder were cured. In the past, he couldn't stand the mess in his house, and everything had to be neatly placed in its corresponding place.

Now that the children can walk, Shen Zhinan and Kurosawa often take them out for walks, and the two crooked little guys walk slowly on the road.

As soon as Pingping came out, she scampered away and probably went to play with his group of playmates again.

Guoguo wore a simple animal skin top and animal skin shorts, revealing her white and tender arms and calves like lotus joints. Tangtang wore a suspender skirt, both made by Shen Zhinan himself. She looked cute and anxious.

Shen Zhinan said regretfully, "It's a pity that Pingping can only wear the clothes I made in winter. They are the simplest ones. In summer, he can't change into human form, so he can't wear them."

Winter is cold, and Shen Zhinan is worried. , I just put a layer on Ping Ping. Because it is a little bear cub, there is no other design. I can only make the simplest piece of animal skin and sew it on. It is hot in summer, and Ping Ping doesn't need any animal skin.

Guoguo and Tangtang, no matter in winter or summer, can wear the little clothes he made. They are different from what people here wear. They look cute and small, which makes people feel soft.

"You can transform into human form when you are as old as Kamau,"

Kurosawa said.

Shen Zhinan knew that Kamo was four years old and had only recently been able to control the transformation into human form. In other words, he had to wait three years before Ping Ping transformed into human form for the first time.

Kamo's human form is also very cute. His eyes are like Chery's, with single eyelids, but his eyes are not small. His facial features are more like Patsy. He is a pretty handsome boy. Even though his skin is a bit darker, he still looks like his father in this regard.

Ping Ping's human form must be cute too, but Shen Zhinan couldn't wait to think about how long it would take.

"Nannan, let's go to the clan doctor to get some medicine."

Kurosawa said.

Now that the child has successfully stopped breastfeeding, it's time for Shen Zhinan to take medicine and recover.

He nodded, "Okay, tell Pingping, let's go."

"Needless to say, he can find us, let's go."

Kurosawa hugged Shen Zhinan and went straight to the family doctor's house with Guoguo and Tangtang.

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