Chapter 91: Milk Baby (Enter with caution)

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Tangtang woke up before Guoguo was full.

Shen Zhinan had no choice but to hold her. Listening to her moans and cries, Kurosawa held her and comforted her, but a hungry child could not be comforted.

"Bring her over for free. You hold her and I'll feed her."

Shen Zhinan couldn't hear the child crying, so he spoke.

Kuro Ze sat on one side holding Tangtang while Shen Zhinan sucked her on the other side.

As soon as the little guy held it in his mouth, he immediately stopped crying.

"It's so easy to coax. I won't cry when I have something to eat."

Shen Zhinan said fondly.

Kurosawa looked at him dotingly and couldn't help but say: "Nan Nan, you are a good mother."

Shen Zhinan was startled and then realized that he was talking about what happened before. He had said more than once that he was afraid of himself He would not be a good father if he could not take care of the child well, but Kurosawa always said he could do it. Now that the child was born, he did it, and Kurosawa said he was a good mother.

After all, he is different from his parents. He will not not love his children. His children were born because of love and were not forced to have children.

Shen Zhinan's eyes were a little red, and his emotions came at random, and tears fell down in an instant.

He seems to cry easily now and has become softer. The cold self before, the self whose emotions were unstable and needed to be controlled, the self who would self-mutilate to the point of bleeding without crying when thinking about his family of origin, The self that was used to loneliness and darkness disappeared.

Now that he has seven emotions and six desires, and can cry and laugh, he is truly alive.

Kurosawa wiped his tears and said, "Be good, don't cry. You are really a good mother, really."

Shen Zhinan sniffed, looked at him with moist eyes, and said in a low voice: "You can't call me mother. , I am dad, they should call me dad."

"Dad?" Kurosawa didn't understand, looking curious.

"Yes, that's dad. In our place, they should call me dad."

Shen Zhinan said, the tears finally stopped.

Kurosawa nodded, remembered, and asked, "What about the baby?"

"Well...if I call you..." Shen Zhinan thought for a moment, then grinned, "If I call you, I'll be daddy."

" Daddy?" Kurosawa read this unfamiliar title curiously.

"Yes, I am daddy and you are daddy."

Kurosawa smiled and nodded, "Well, let's call him what you call him over there, okay?"

Of course Shen Zhinan was fine, he saw Guoguo When he was full, he handed Guoguo to Kurosawa to hold, and he hugged Tangtang and continued to feed her.

The child was very small, weighing about five kilograms, and was wrapped softly in animal skin. Shen Zhinan did not dare to exert any force at all, so he was very gentle. Because he was not yet skilled, he held the child in the same way. Still a little stiff.

If only he could communicate more with pediatricians before, then he would definitely have some experience.

The bad thing is that not only has he not talked to the pediatrician, he doesn't even talk to the doctors in his own department, except for necessary exchanges.

After Tangtang was full, Shen Zhinan's two grapes were all red.

After the child drank enough, he became quiet and his eyes were half-opened. The newborn baby could not see anything. Within a few minutes of opening his eyes, he slowly closed them again.

"It's true that you sleep when you're full, and eat when you're full."

Shen Zhinan lamented.

"I asked Patsy, and Patsy said that it is like this when you are born, but it will not be like this when you are older."

Kurosawa said that before Shen Zhinan was born, he had already learned about it from experienced friends. I have gained a lot of experience. Although theory is not as important as practice, I am not at a loss anyway.

Kurosawa is becoming more and more proficient in holding children. He had communicated with Jesse before, and after holding him for so long today, he has mastered the basic common sense of holding a child.

He is very serious about learning and memorizing, so he can master it quickly.

Shen Zhinan put the sleeping Tangtang on the bed. Seeing that Pingping hadn't woken up, he was a little worried, "Why is he sleeping all the time? He doesn't seem to wake up. Isn't he hungry?"

"Pingping eats in the afternoon. You can eat fruit puree to resist hunger. You will indeed sleep longer in the first few days when you are in the animal form. It's okay


Shen Zhinan thought that children in the animal form would run away after birth. Yes, after all, this is what we saw in the animal world before. They could walk when they were born.

Who knew that this little thing he had given birth to was sleeping soundly all the time.

It seems that many of the orc's habits, genes, etc. are different from his original understanding of animals.

But it's normal to be different. After all, one is just an animal in modern society, an orc, how can it be the same? ?

Shen Zhinan tapped the tip of the little black bear's nose and did not wake up. He was still curled up in the bed and sleeping soundly.

He found it funny and asked Kurosawa to arrange the three children neatly and then cover them with quilts.

Both little ones were born by themselves. Shen Zhinan looked at this one and then that one, and still couldn't help but sigh, he is so awesome.


It was already very late when Lin Mo and the others came back, and Little Sweetheart was already asleep, nestled in Jesse's arms.

"Dr. Shen, you'd better rest well these days. Although you don't feel any discomfort, giving birth to a baby is very damaging to your vitality. You have given birth to three more children. You need to take good care of them at home. If you don't sit up during the confinement period, you will be sick. "Sit, there is no concept of confinement here, but let's wait for ten days and a half before going out,"

Lin Mo said with concern.

Although he had already gone out tonight, he was still worried that going out to enjoy the air frequently would leave bad sequelae.

After all, their bodies are not as adaptable to this as the females here. The body is capital, and nothing can go wrong.

Shen Zhinan also planned this, so he nodded with a smile, "Okay, I understand, thank you."

Lin Mo waved his hands and said thank you, and then he and Jesse put the sweetheart in the room, and they went out to take a shower together. .

Nowadays, hot baths are not comfortable even in the summer, so cold baths in the river are the most suitable.

When they came back from taking a shower, Shen Zhinan and Kurosawa had just laid down on the bed and were getting ready to rest.

Kurosawa lay outside, the three children were in the middle, and Shen Zhinan lay at the innermost side.

Pingping couldn't suck milk, so he slept on Heize's side, Guoguo was in the middle, and Tangtang was next to Shen Zhinan.

The two-meter-long bed at home has plenty of room for a family of five to lie on.

"Kurosawa, be careful and don't weigh the child down at night."

Shen Zhinan was a little worried.

"Nan Nan, don't worry, I won't do it."


The red and orange moonlight outside shone through the gap in the window. Shen Zhinan looked at the sleeping little face of the child. He was also tired and closed his eyes happily. Eye.


A papaya tree appeared in Shen Zhinan's dream. Big papayas were hanging on the tree. He was about to pick them when he was suddenly woken up by a burst of crying.

He opened his eyes in confusion, and Kurosawa had already opened the window, letting in the moonlight.

"Nannan, Guoguo is hungry."

Kurosawa said.

Before Shen Zhinan was completely awake, Guoguo was picked up by Kurosawa and changed places with Tangtang. He lifted up his clothes and fed Guoguo, his head still groggy.

This... had to be fed in the middle of the night. Only at this moment did Shen Zhinan know that raising children would not be easy.

No wonder when Lin Mo fed Sweetheart before, Sweetheart snorted loudly, and he could sleep soundly. He must have been like this because he took care of the child at night, didn't get enough sleep, and was not in good spirits.

After feeding Guoguo, the little baby continued to sleep. Shen Zhinan felt a little more energetic. He gave a break and said to Kurosawa, "Put Tangtang over here and see if she drinks. Feed her by the way. Don't worry." After waiting for a while, she just fell asleep and she cried again."

Kurosawa changed the positions of Guoguo and Tangtang again.

Shen Zhinan hugged Tangtang and turned over, facing away from Kurosawa. Because Guoguo had eaten that side, he had to switch sides for Tangtang to eat, so he had to turn over.

As soon as he lifted up his fur coat, the sober Shen Zhinan felt something strange.

He reached out and touched it himself, and found that it was obviously much larger than before going to bed.

Is the papaya in the dream actually a change in the body? ?

He was thinking in confusion, and he gently turned Tangtang's little head towards him, and gently touched her mouth with a small grape. The little guy was obviously asleep, but after putting it in her mouth, she also ate it. .

Eat while sleeping.

"Do you want Pingping to eat?" Shen Zhinan was still thinking about the other one, "Would you like to get some for him? Feed him some."

"No, I just gave him pureed fruit. I'll get it for him tomorrow morning. " Let him drink. He is sleeping soundly now."

Shen Zhinan was stunned. "Have you just woken up and fed Ping Ping?"


Shen Zhinan didn't even know. It seemed that he was sleeping very deeply.

She doesn't bark or make a fuss, eats when she wakes up, and continues to sleep soundly after eating. Now it seems that the best thing to take with you is Ping Ping.

After Tangtang stopped eating, Shen Zhinan took it out and did not dare to change her position for fear of waking the child.

Shen Zhinan was very sleepy, so he pulled up the quilt and fell asleep again.


When I opened my eyes again, the sky outside was already turning white.

Before the child woke up, Shen Zhinan was awakened by a strange feeling.

Hot, slightly tingling.

Kurosawa was still sleeping. He climbed out of bed and ran to the room next door where the bathtub was. He lifted up his clothes and took a look. He was shocked.

Although Kurosawa told him that because he had three children to raise, the potion made by the clan doctor was very concentrated, so after drinking it, his would be more powerful than other females, but this was too...

not Not accepting that his body was like this, he was already prepared the moment he gave birth, but he was still shocked.

You can also drink potion to restore your original appearance after this, so this appearance only needs to be maintained for one year.

However, this is too much to exaggerate...

The soft white hanging down on both sides is really like what he dreamed about in his dream, like the two low-hanging papayas on the tree.

I just drank the medicine yesterday afternoon and slept for one night, but it made such a big difference.

Shen Zhinan felt that it was not an ordinary herbal medicine, but a natural miracle medicine.

But there are both males and females here, and they can all give birth to children. Is there anything else that's so strange about them?

Shen Zhinan was now well-informed, and he calmed down after being slightly surprised.

Bai Ruan was very hot and swollen. He put on his coat, ran to the stone platform in the living room, took a bowl and washed it, then ran back to the bathroom where the barrel was placed, sat in the corner, took a deep breath, and gave himself After some mental construction, I put my palm on Bai Ruan and pressed it gently.

Wash some bowls to use.

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