✨Chapter 2✨

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Tosha sits in her dads car just staring at the Smosh office. She still can't believe she's actually here.

"Sis, Come on we've gotta head inside or I'm gonna be late." Lasercorn says as he's getting out of the car.

Tosha follows him out of the car and into the Smosh Office. She looks around in awe of all the cool stuff. Just as she's looking around a man comes over to her dad.

"Hi you must be David, I'm Anthony" Anthony says as he introduces himself

"Yeah that's me but everyone just calls me Lasercorn because of this tattoo I have." Lasercorn explains

"Ok cool and who is this?" Anthony asks while gesturing to Tosha

"This is my daughter Tosha. Sorry her mom ended up having to work and it's a school holiday so I didn't have time to find a babysitter." Lasercorn explains

"Don't worry about it man, it's fine. You can bring her whenever you need as long as she doesn't destroy anything it doesn't bother us." Anthony explains to Tosha and Lasercorn

"I promise I won't." Tosha promises Anthony

"Good. You guys wanna come meet the rest of the crew?" Anthony says as he leads them towards a meeting room.

"Sure it'll be nice to meet the people I'm gonna be working with." Lasercorn says

Anthony, Lasercorn, and Tosha all head into the meeting room. There they meet Ian, Mari, Joven, and Matthew but he goes by Sohinki. They all talk about work and videos that need to be filmed and Tosha just sits and listens. After an hour Lasercorn is needed for a video so Tosha just chills in the meeting room. Ian walks in to grab something he left and sees Tosha just sitting there.

"Hey you're Lasercorns daughter, Tosha, right?" Ian asks

"Yeah that's me, just sitting here waiting for him." Tosha responds back to Ian

"That's boring, here come with me we've got tons of board games and I'm not busy. Only if you want of course." Ian asks politely

"That sounds cool, let's go." Tosha say's following Ian.

Tosha follows Ian to an area where all the board games are.

"Pick whatever you want to play kiddo." Ian says gesturing towards the games

She scans the shelves of games and decides to just pick a simple game. She grabs the Connect Four and hands it to Ian so he can set it up on the table.

"You're going down kid." Ian says in a playful tone

"We'll see about that one Ian." Tosha responds playfully

"Let the game commence" Ian says while laughing

For the next hour or so Tosha and Ian play connect four. Seeing who wins the most games.

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