✨Chapter 23✨

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(New years eve)

It's New Year's Eve but unfortunately we fell a little behind because of Christmas so we still have a couple videos to film. Tosha walks into the office ready to get filming over so she can go home and get ready for the New Year's party that Ian's hosting. As she walks in her eyes start immediately scanning the room for her Aunt Dani.

She needed her opinion on what outfit to wear. Unfortunately she can't find them but she does see Shayne & Damien so she goes to ask them.

"Hey guys." Tosha says walking up to them and smiling.

"Hey sis, are you ready for the party tonight?" Shayne asks, looking at his niece.

"Yeah I can't wait. Actually I came over here to ask about something." She says cutting straight to the point that she initially came for.

"What's up kiddo?" Shayne says, trying to figure out what she needs.

"Uncle Dames, have you seen Aunt Dani? I looked around and couldn't find her anywhere." She says still looking for Forest hoping her boyfriend would know where she is, not realizing what slipped out of her mouth.

"Yeah she had to film a vid.... Did you just call me Uncle Dames?" Damien starts to answer then stumbles over his words realizing what the younger girl said.

Shayne looks between the two unsure of what's going to happen. Tosha looks at him like a deer in headlights and immediately starts to apologize.

"Sorry it just slipped out. I won't do it again if it makes you uncomfortable. It's just that you're dating my Aunt so it came naturally. I'm really sorry Damien." Tosha starts speaking a mile a minute nervously worried she made him uncomfortable.

"Hey, kiddo calm down you're fine it just caught me off guard ok. That's perfectly fine with me if you call me Uncle Dames ok." Damien says calmly trying to calm her nerves while gently putting a hand on her shoulder.

"You promise?" She replies still slightly worried that she made him uncomfortable.

Damien pulls her into a hug and tells her it's fine. She hugs him back then tells Shayne & Damien bye to go find Forest. As she walks to a set she finds her Aunt Dani on the phone smiling brightly .

"Hey Aunt Dani, can I talk to you?" She asks quietly not to interrupt her.

"Of course sis." She looks at Tosha before quickly ending her phone call. 

"I gotta go, Dames. Bye, I love you." She replied and then hung up the phone.

"I assume you know what just happened then." Tosha asks nervously, still a little embarrassed, messing with the hem of her shirt.

"Yeah he called me literally crying. I know it was just a slip up but he really loves you Tater tot. You made his day." Forest tells her smiling at the fondness between her two favorite people.

"I'm glad but I need your opinion on what to wear tonight." Tosha tells her, pulling up pictures of the outfits.

As she goes to show her the pictures Courtney walks over. Forest tells her all about the Damien situation and they both help Tosha pick out an outfit. They both pick a simple black dress paired with Trevor's jacket. Yeah yeah she forgot to give it back and she's in no rush, plus it looks good on her.

"T, why are you so worried about your outfit anyway? It's just gonna be us tonight." Courtney says even though she knows why she just wants to see if Tosha will admit it.

"I'll tell you both but you have to promise not to say anything ok." Tosha says to her Aunts, making them pinky promise.

"I'm gonna tell Trev I like him tonight. I think I'm finally ready to at least try and I can't keep ignoring these feelings." She explains to her Aunts not daring to look them in the eyes.

Forest & Courtney both become overly excited for her. They have been waiting for this day since Shayne told them Tosha liked Trevor. As they are talking Ian calls them for a shoot. The day goes by fast and they finish filming by 3pm. Tosha decides to invite Forest &  Courtney over to help her get ready.

After they all get ready they head to Ian's. Once they arrive Tosha looks at the house and feels the butterflies. It's now or never and she walks in ready to talk to Trevor.

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