✨Chapter 16✨

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It's been two months since Anthony left. He tries his best to keep in contact with Tosha but it's just not the same. Not seeing Anthony every day made Toshas life feel so much dimmer.
While all this is going on Tosha notices her dad acting strange. They haven't been going to the studio as much and she's barely seen her Smosh family.

Lasercorn hollers for her and she can't help but know what he's about to say.
Tosha walks in the living room seeing her dad at the table with his head in his hands. When he hears her walk in he pops his head up, quickly wiping his eyes.

"Hey sis I've gotta tell you something." Lasercorn says nervously, scared to say it

"You don't have to say it dad. I already know. You're leaving Smosh aren't you?" She says with tears in her eyes trying not to cry, knowing she's right about her assumptions

"How did you.. yeah I am sweetheart I'm sorry." He replies sadly with a tear in his eye knowing he's losing his smosh family too

"It wasn't hard to figure out. Plus that's exactly how Uncle Anthony looked."

She says before breaking down in tears. She sits at the table holding her head in her hands as she cries.

"Baby I promise you nothing's gonna change. We just won't be going to the Smosh office anymore." Lasercorn says hugging her trying to comfort her any way that he can

"Dad, everything is gonna change. I've already been through it with Uncle Anthony." She yells while crying and runs to her room and locks the door just wanting to be alone

Lasercorn sits there unsure of what to do. He knows he's making the right decision but he hates that it's hurting his daughter so much. Tosha runs up to her room and locks the door and lays on her bed crying. She tries her best to calm herself down but it's no use.

In the span of six months her whole life has been turned upside down and she's about to lose the only "family" she's ever had. She lays in her bed crying until she eventually falls asleep from exhaustion.

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