✨Chapter 4✨

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The next day Tosha is awoken by the loud beeping of her alarm clock telling her it's time for school. Even though she's homeschooled her parents want her to stay on a normal school routine. She quickly turns off her alarm and lazily gets out of bed before heading towards the shower. After getting out of the shower she throws on a pair of black leggings and an oversized band shirt. She brushes her hair out then sits at her desk and starts her schoolwork. After only a couple hours she finishes all her work. That's the good part about homeschooling. She then heads downstairs just in time to hear the tail end of her fathers phone call.

"Yeah, give me like 15 minutes and I should be there. Ok bye" Lasercorn says and hangs up the phone

"Hey dad, what's going on?" Tosha asked curiously as she grabbed a apple

"Joven got sick so they need someone to come in and film in his place." Lasercorn explained while grabbing his stuff

"Can I come with you?" Tosha asks hopefully

"Yeah come on I gotta hurry" Lasercorn says rushing out the door

Tosha follows her dad to the car and puts on some music for the ride. They arrive at the Smosh office and Lasercorn immediately heads to where he's needed to film. Tosha decides to just sit on one of the couches and play on her phone. About thirty minutes pass and Tosha hears someone enter the building. She looks up from her phone and sees none other than Ian.

"Hey E, how are you doing today?" Tosha asks as she stands up to greet him

"Well hey pumpkin I didn't know you were gonna be here today. I'm doing good, what about you?" Ian says a bit surprised to see Tosha sitting there as he puts his stuff down

"I'm good and I wasn't supposed to be here I guess Joven got sick, so dad came in to replace him for the day." Tosha explains to Ian

"Oh I see. Well since you're here and I've got about thirty minutes before I have to shoot. You wanna play some connect four." Ian asks, grabbing the game.

"You're on dude" Tosha says competitively excited to beat him yet again

They played Connect four until Ian had to go film.

"Sorry E, better luck next time." Tosha says Smugly

"Yeah yeah see you later pumpkin." Ian yells as he runs to set

She cleans up the game then continues to scroll through her phone until Lasercorn says it's time to go. Tosha quickly says goodbye to everyone and they head home.

"Hey Dad." Tosha says

"Yeah Sweetheart what's up?" Lasercorn asks while driving

"Your work is really cool." Tosha replies to him

"I know honey I'm so happy you like it." Lasercorn says turning into their garage

Tosha goes inside and talks to her mom for a little bit. She tells her all about what she did the last few days and how cool everyone is. Brina listens happily as her kid rambles on, adding to the conversation as much as she can. After talking for a while they eat dinner Tosha heads up to bed.

"Goodnight Mom, Goodnight Dad I love you guys." Tosha says as she heads to bed

"Goodnight princess we love you too." Lasercorn responds for both of them

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