✨Chapter 5✨

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Time Skip to 2015
Lasercorn has been working at Smosh for almost three years now and Tosha tags along as much as possible. She tries to finish her school work as quick as possible so she can go with him.
   Tosha woke up that morning excited. Today was her last day of school. She got up showered then got dressed and in three hours she had finished her last assignment for the year. She then went downstairs to see what her Mom and Dad were up to. But first she has to stop to talk to her baby brother Tyler.

"Hey Ty Ty what's up bubba?" Tosha says as she places a gentle kiss on his forehead.
"Tyler gurgles back to her and smiles"
Tosha then turns her attention to her Mom.

"Hey Mom! Guess what?" Tosha says as she grabs something to eat

"What's up Sweetie?" Brina responds

"I finished my final assignment today. I'm done with school for the summer." Tosha says excitedly

Just then Lasercorn enters the room
"Congratulations Sweetheart, that means I can finally tell you a secret I've been keeping." Lasercorn states

"What you've been keeping a secret from me? What is it dad??" Tosha questions almost offended

"So Smosh has been planning this thing called the Smosh Summer Games. It's basically just all of us playing games on teams." Lasercorn tells her

"Ok that sounds cool." Tosha says waiting for her dad to explain more

"Well Ian said if you want to be on one of the teams you could be." Lasercorn tells her

"Wait Uncle E really said that. I get to be apart of it!" Tosha yells

"Yeah if you want to." Lasercorn laughs at how excited his daughter is

"Of course I do, are you kidding?! Do you have to go in today?" Tosha asks

"Yeah I do and since you're done with school you can tag along." Lasercorn tells her

"Hurry up then dad let's go!! Bye Mom Bye Ty Ty see you later" Tosha says running out the door excited to talk to her found family

Lasercorn and Brina laugh as she runs out the door. Lasercorn tells his wife bye and gives her and Tyler a kiss and walks out the door. Tosha and Lasercorn get in the car and head to the Smosh Office. Once they arrive at the Smosh Office Tosha jumps out of the car and runs inside. Tosha runs straight to Ian.

"Uncle E Uncle E" Tosha yells excitedly hugging Ian

"Hi there pumpkin what's up?" Ian laughs while hugging her back

"Dad told me you said I get to be a part of the Smosh Summer Games!!" Tosha says excitedly

"Sorry Ian, I told her and she had to come talk to her Uncle E" Lasercorn laughs while explaining

"It's ok Lcorn. Yeah pumpkin I did say that." Ian says

"I can't wait, this is gonna be so cool!!" Tosha replies

Tosha looks around the room. Finally taking in everything and seeing who's all there. As she's looking around she notices a new girl. She has long brown hair and pretty blueish green eyes. She looks so cool.

"Uncle E, who is that girl?" Tosha whispers to Ian

"Oh her? Her name is Forest. We just hired her on. She's really nice. I think you'll like her a lot." Ian explains to Tosha

"She's really pretty." Tosha whispers again

Just as Tosha says that Forest walks over to talk to Ian.

"Hey Ian I don't mean to interrupt you but I was wondering if you or someone could give me a quick tour." Forest asks politely

"Well I would but we got to go film. But I do know someone who knows this place like the back of her hand." Ian says winking at Tosha

"Oh yeah I can show you around." Tosha says laughing

"Ok well I'm Forest it's nice to meet you..." Forest says putting out her hand to shake the kids hand.

"Hi Forest I'm Tosha, and that guy with the orange hair is my dad. I've been coming here since I was 11 so I know where everything is." Tosha explains shaking her hand excitedly

"Ok then lead the way Tosha" Forest says smiling

"Ok let's go" Tosha says leading Forest around the Office

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