✨Chapter 18✨

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She walks inside the building and takes a look around. Of course nothing is familiar since she hasn't been around since defy days. Those idiots. As she looks around she hears three familiar voices and a smile immediately appears on her face.

"Tosha!!" Courtney, Shayne, and Forest yell as they run over and give her a group hug.

"Hey guys." She says smiling and hugging them glad to see some familiar faces.

"It's so nice to have you back sis." Shayne says catching Tosha smiling, something he hasn't truly seen in a while, but was glad to see again.

"It's good to be back. I really missed this place and my family." She replied her heart filling with joy

"Well well well if it isn't my favorite niece." Ian says sneaking up on them.

Tosha sees him and immediately runs over and hugs him tightly.

" Uncle Ian, I missed you so much. Thank you so much for letting me come back."

Ian hugs her back glad that his niece is back and doing better.

"Of Course pumpkin as long as I'm a part of Smosh you'll always have a home here."

"Thank you guys all of you I don't know where I'd be without you guys." Tosha tells them all slightly tearing up

"Tater tot we wouldn't have it any other way. We all love you so much and are glad to have you back. Right guys." Forest says also slightly tearing up and rubbing her eyes.

"Of course sis." Everyone else replies

"Ok ok enough waterworks before you ruin my makeup." Courtney laughs while wiping away tears

"let's go meet the rest of the crew they're excited to meet you.

"Ok Aunt Court let's go." Tosha responds by fixing her face and following them ready to meet the people who will most likely become a part of her family as well.

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