✨Chapter 29✨

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The next morning she wakes up without Trevor next to her. She can hear him in the kitchen so she decides to get up. First she checks her phone to make sure she doesn't have any important messages or anything when she sees a text from Trevor from this morning. She clicks on it and immediately smiles as it reads.

"First day waking up as ur bf, pretty epic tbh."

Tosha gets up and throws on one of Trevor's hoodies then goes to find him. As she walks into the kitchen she can hear Trevor singing along to whatever is playing on his phone while he's making breakfast. She sneaks up behind him and hugs him.

"Good morning, beautiful." Trevor says turning around to kiss her and then goes back to cooking.

"Good morning handsome. Whatcha making?" She asks, smiling at him and just soaking up the moment.

"Just some waffles and some sausage. We have to get to work soon unfortunately." He says finishing the food and platting it.

They both sit at the table and eat just soaking in the fact that this is real. They are really dating. After they finish Tosha realizes she doesn't have any clothes here since she hadn't planned on spending the night. She figures that Trevor won't mind if she borrowed a shirt so she goes into his closet and grabs one. Trevor sees her in his shirt and can't help but smile. He gets dressed quickly and they head to work.

On the drive there both of them can't keep their hands off each other. Between holding hands or Trevor's hand on her thigh they are constantly touching. Once they arrive and walk inside all eyes are on them. Damien is the first to walk over to them.

"Kid, I'm gonna warn you now your Aunt is gonna ask you ten thousand questions." Damien says with a slight smile, waiting for Forest to pop out of somewhere.

"Yeah I figured between her and Aunt Courtney my day is gonna be full of questions but thanks Uncle Dames." She says looking around seeing how long she has till she's bombarded.

"No problem kiddo. I've gotta go film but good luck Love you." He says smiling and giving her a hug.

"Love you too Uncle Dames." She says returning the hug.

As Damien goes to walk away Tosha and Trevor see both Forest and Courtney making a beeline to them.

"I hate to leave you alone baby but Link just messaged me and he needs me now." Trevor says with a sad tone, feeling bad for leaving her alone.

"It's ok love, you go trust me I've got them." Tosha responds to him giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and hugging him.

Trevor hugs her back then heads to where he's needed. As Tosha turns around she is immediately faced with her Aunts and somehow her Uncle.

"Hey guys what's up?" Tosha tries her best to avoid the topic.

"Sis I hate to tell you but you're not getting out of this." Shayne tells her feeling a little bad.

"Ok here's the deal, you each get one question so make it count. Are we clear?" Tosha tells them, making it clear that she's serious.

They frown but begrudgingly agree. They each ask their questions which all basically lead back to how are you feeling about this relationship . They talk for a few and finally get off the topic. As they are talking about something Ian tells them they are needed on set. They all walk to set together and Tosha can't help but think about Trevor and how she really wants this relationship to work.

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