✨Chapter 3✨

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About an hour after Tosha and Ian started playing, Lasercorn came to check on her.

"Hey sweetie, how's everything going?" Lasercorn asks his daughter

"It's going well. Ian thought he could beat me at connect four" Tosha says while putting in her last piece to win again

"How is that possible? You've literally won all but three of the games we've played." Ian says a little frustrated

"Hate to break it to you Ian but this is like her favorite game. She barely ever loses. The game is actually pretty much banned at our house because we already know who's gonna win." Lasercorn says through a laugh

Ian just sits there in amazement and laughs.

"That's crazy. I thought connect four was just luck." Ian says

"Nope, there's a strategy for almost everything E." Tosha says smiling

"Ok ok I've gotta go record but I want a rematch soon." Ian responds as he gets up and heads to film

"Ok Tosh I've gotta go film a couple more videos and then we'll head home ok." Lasercorn tells his daughter

"Ok dad, love you see ya later" Tosha responds

"Love you too sweetheart" Lasercorn says as he heads off to film

Tosha picks up the game and puts it back where she found it. She then begins just walking around the office looking at everything. As she's walking around she bumps into Joven & Sohinki.

"Hey" Joven & Sohinki both respond

"Hey I thought everyone was filming?" Tosha ask

"No it's just Ian, Anthony, Mari, and your dad for this one" Joven says while scrolling on his phone

"Yeah we get a little break" Sohinki jokes as he sips his coffee

"That's cool. This place is amazing." Tosha says excitedly

"Yeah you wanna see some really cool stuff?" Joven asks her

" Yeah please" Tosha asks nicely

Joven, Sohinki, and Tosha all head to the prop room. Joven shows Tosha the box for Boxman and Sohinki finds all the Pokémon stuff. They look through everything.

"This is so cool." Tosha excitedly says

"Yeah, it really is." Joven says

"Dang Joven we've gotta go, it's almost call time." Sohinki says as her hurriedly puts things away

"Hey you guys go I'll put the stuff away." Tosha tells them

"You sure kid?" Joven says still trying to pick stuff up

"Yeah I got it, go ahead." Tosha explains calmly

Joven and Sohinki both thank Tosha and run off to film. Tosha picks everything up and puts it back to the best of her abilities. She's not as tall as them so she can't put everything back. After that she goes and sees Mari just sitting on the couch so she goes to talk to her.

"Hi I'm Tosha" Tosha says as she introduces herself

"Hey I'm Mari you're Lasercorns kid right?" Mari asks, setting her phone down.

"Yeah that's me" She replies

"We'll it's nice to meet you. How are you liking it here so far?" Mari asks in a gentle tone

"This place is amazing and so far everyone has been so nice." Tosha explains excitedly

"I'm glad." Mari says

Tosha and Mari talk about stuff for the next hour or so. Just random things and Mari tells Tosha some of the Smosh lore. After the hour was up Lasercorn came and told Tosha it was time to go.

"Bye everybody it was nice to meet you all." Tosha yells so everyone can hear

"Bye kid" everyone responds

"Don't forget next time you come back I want a rematch." Ian hollers laughing

"Ok E" Tosha says through her giggles

Tosha and lasercorn head out to the car and drive home.

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