✨Chapter 10✨

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The week came and went way faster than Tosha would've wished and now it's time for Awards. In the end Anthony's team ended up winning but Tosha was awarded MVP while Lasercorn was awarded LVP.
Tosha excitedly accepts her award jumping up and down holding the award before going back to her team.

"Haha Dad maybe we didn't win but at least I'm not LVP!!" Tosha says sticking her tongue out at her dad teasing him for losing.

Lasercorn rolls his eyes playfully, slightly nudging her arm and then they finish filming.

"Ok guys we are heading home in an hour and a half so make sure you got everything." Anthony tells the group before letting them leave to gather all their things.

Lasercorn packs all his stuff then goes to make sure Tosha has everything. Tosha had packed everything up the night before but Laser's dad instincts make him want to check anyway. While her dad is checking everything Tosha goes to find her Uncle E. She goes to his room and starts talking to him.

"Hey Uncle E" Tosha says as she walks to his bed flopping on to it.

"Hey pumpkin, what's up?" Ian answers, packing as much attention to her as he can while he packs all his things up.

"Nothing, I was just bored. I finished packing and now Dad is checking over it." Tosha replies, looking around the room realizing she's never been in his room even though it was pretty similar to her own.

"Well did you have fun sis? Even though we lost." Ian says, turning his attention to her, pausing his packing.

"This was so much fun Uncle E! I loved it, we should definitely do it again." Tosha exclaimed, so happy she got to experience this.

As they are talking Anthony comes in to talk to Ian. A smile appears on his face when he sees Tosha there as well.

"Hey Ian, hey sweetheart." Anthony says, greeting them both.

"Hey" They both respond

"T since it's just us, me & E wanted to ask you something important." Anthony says a little more serious.

"What is it Uncle Anthony?" Tosha questions a bit nervous about whatever news he has.

"How did you feel about Shayne? Did you like him?" Anthony asks, trying to get her true opinion.

"He's really funny and cool. He also was really nice to me. We played connect four and he's almost as good as me. Why?" Tosha answered honestly but was still wondering why they asked her such an odd question.

"We were thinking about having him join Smosh." Ian tells her putting any worry she still has to rest.

" I think you should. He works really well with everyone and I like him." Tosha tells her Uncles knowing they'll take her opinion.

Both Ian and Anthony laugh and smile at her. Anthony then gets an idea. He smiles slightly "Well you wanna go ask him sis?" Anthony asks her.

"Yeah" Tosha says excitedly jumping up from the bed and yells for Shayne.

Shayne hears someone yell his name and follows it to Ian's room with a confused look on his face.

"Hey guys what's up? Did you need me?" Shayne questioned the group.

"Tosha has something to ask you." Ian says looking at Tosha with a smile.

"Oh what's up T" Shayne says smiling sweetly at her still a bit confused.

"Well I was just wondering if you wanted to officially join Smosh?" Tosha says smiling at Shayne trying to keep her excitement handled.

"Wait really?" Shayne says surprised looking at Ian and Anthony as if asking for confirmation.

"Yeah so what do you say Shayne?" Ian responds confirming what Tosha said.

"I'd love to. You guys are awesome." Shayne says excitedly with a happy smile.

Ian and Anthony talk to Shayne about all the official stuff that goes into joining. They tell him they'll finalize everything next week. Tosha decided to let the adults deal with all that as she headed back to her room to grab her bag. Lasercorn hands her her bag saying that everything is all good. After that they all head to the bus and start the long journey home.

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