✨Chapter 11✨

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A couple months later (currently Dec 2015)

Tosha is hanging out at the Smosh office waiting on everyone to get done filming. Tonight is their annual Christmas party. So there's gonna be food, games, and they even did secret Santa. She got Shayne and even though she's been hanging out with him almost everyday at the smosh office figuring out what to get him was a challenge. In the end she ended up finding something she really hopes he'll enjoy. At around 5pm everyone wrapped up filming and they started the party. Tosha quickly gravitated towards Forest and Courtney because they had become so close.

"Hey guys, how did filming go today?" Tosha asks, walking up to the group.

"Hey T, it was pretty fun. We filmed a few sketches and a couple game bangs.

Nothing too crazy." Forest explained while noticing that Courtney was not paying attention.

Tosha sees Forest looking at Courtney. So she decides to figure out what Courtney's so focused on. Tosha follows her line of sight and the person she sees is none other than Shayne.

"Aunt Court, why are you staring at Shayne?" Tosha questions even though she's already got an idea.

Courtney quickly snaps out of her haze. Forest laughs slightly at the bluntness of Tosha.

"What are you talking about sis? I wasn't staring at him." Courtney responds, trying her best to hide her blush.

"You like Shayne!!" Tosha exclaims quietly trying to make sure no one else hears but the three of them.

Forest looks at Courtney waiting to see if she confirms this. Courtney immediately turns bright red.

"Ok ok I maybe sorta have a crush on him but you can't tell anyone." Courtney answered looking between her best friend and niece nervously.

"I promise Court, you know I will never spill," Forest replied, making sure to reassure her.

"Tosh" Courtney says looking at her making sure she feels the same.

"I promise Aunt Court. That's not my place." Tosha answered honestly.

"Good, now I think it's about time for Secret Santa" Courtney says quickly changing the subject to get the attention off of herself.

Just as she finishes that sentence Ian & Anthony are calling everyone together to exchange gifts. They go around in the circle handing out gifts. It gets to Anthony's turn and he tells everyone he had Tosha. Anthony hands her the present for her to open. She opens the present and it's a light blue instax camera set with picture cartridges and everything.

"Oh my gosh Uncle Anthony!! I love it, thank you so much." Tosha exclaimed, jumping up to hug her Uncle.

"You're welcome sweetheart I'm glad you like it." Anthony responds by hugging her back and smiling, proud of the gift he got.

Tosha immediately puts in the cartridge and takes a picture of her and Anthony. After that it's her turn to give out her present.

"Well I guess it's my turn. I got Shayne. I really hope you like it." She says nervously, handing him the gift, not sure she got him the best gift.

She hands him the gift and he opens it. Once Shayne sees what it is his face lights up. It's a scrapbook full of pictures of him and everyone at Smosh.

"T, I love this." Shayne says, slightly tearing up.

"I'm glad. I wasn't sure what to get you but I remember talking to you and you saying you didn't really know if you fit in. So I wanted to make you this to show you that you do fit in. Everyone here loves you so much already." Tosha responded also getting a little teary eyed.

Shayne can't help but feel overwhelmed by this. He didn't realize that in such a short time working here he was already such a big part of Smosh. He stands up and hugs Tosha.

"Thank you so much T. I really appreciate it." He says hugging her and holding back tears.

"No problem Shay. You're a really cool guy." Tosha replied, hugging back and crying into his chest.

After this everyone finished opening their gifts and then thanked whoever got them. Around 11pm everyone decided to call it a night. They all said goodbye and headed home. Tosha got in her dads car and even though the ride was only thirty minutes she fell asleep. Lasercorn ended up carrying her inside and putting her to bed.

"Goodnight sweetheart I love you." Lasercorn says quietly giving Tosha a kiss on the forehead and then turning off the lights and closing the door

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