✨Chapter 13✨

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A couple months later (July 2016)

Tosha wakes up to her alarm. She rolls over and hits the snooze button and falls back asleep. Then five minutes pass and it's going off again. She groans at the sound before she turns the alarm off and rolls out of bed. She goes to her bathroom and quickly takes a shower.

After she gets out she throws on a pair of shorts and an old Smosh t-shirt before heading downstairs. After breakfast her and Lasercorn head to the Smosh office. When she walks in she immediately runs into Courtney and Shayne who finally admit their feelings for each other and start dating soon after Toshas conversation with Shayne. They decided to keep it private so only a few people know.

"Aunt Courtney, Uncle Shayne guess what?" Tosha runs up to them excitedly.

"What's up T?" Shayne responds laughing while holding Courtney's hand.

"I'm gonna be in the new video 'If video game items were real.' with you guys ." She responded smiling, bouncing slightly on her feet.

"Awesome sis. Well we better head to set and don't want to be late." Courtney answered looking at her phone.

The three of them realize they have five minutes to get there so they start picking up the pace. They start filming the video and Tosha has so much fun. She loved filming science with the cast and she feels so lucky to have this family. She loves getting to help.

After they are done she goes and sits in the lobby area and plays on her phone. As she's on her phone she gets a text from her Aunt Forest who she has grown extremely close to. She quickly opens the text from her aunt.

"Hey tater tot, just was gonna see if you wanted to come over tonight?" Forest texts read.

"I'd love too Aunt Dani let me ask dad and I'll let you know." She quickly responds back.

Tosha goes to the set she knows her dad is on. He's in the middle of filming The Show with no name so she sat down and watched, not wanting to interrupt or distract him. After they finished filming Lasercorn saw his daughter and went over to her.

"Hey sis, did you need something?" Lasercorn asks while talking off his mic.

"Aunt Dani asked me if I wanted to stay the night so I came to ask if I could. Please Dad!" She asks while batting her eyes and pouting, trying everything she can to get her dad to say yes.

"You know I would never tell you no" He tells her laughing at her pleading and slightly ruffling her hair.

"Thank you dad. I love you!" She says excitedly as she hugs him tightly.

"No problem sweetheart, you be good for Forest and I love you too." He says hugging her back and smiling.

"I promise." She says and then runs off to find her Aunt

Tosha takes off in search of her Aunt Dani. After 10 minutes of searching she finally finds her and happily tells her that she can stay the night. Forest gives Tosha a smile and a high five before grabbing her bag. After that they head out to Forest's car and head to her house for a sleepover.

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