✨Chapter 6✨

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Tosha begins to show Forest where everything is excitedly having a bounce to her step.

"Ok so over here is just the main sitting area. This is usually where I hang out while my dad films." Tosha explains.
"Ok, do you come here a lot?" Forest questions.

"Yeah normally whenever my dads here so am I. Anyway this is where Uncle E & Uncle Anthony keep all the props for their sketches and what not." Tosha continues explaining, blowing off her question.

"What about school? Don't you have to be there a lot?" Forest questioned paying no attention to the props

"No, I'm homeschooled so I do everything online. Actually I just finished my year today." Tosha explains leading her to the filming area.

"Oh that's cool. Do you like it here at Smosh?" Forest asks, hoping to learn more about her new job.

"Yeah I love this place and I love the people. They are all so cool. If you wanna, we can go sit and talk." Tosha says while leading her back to the sitting area interested in learning more about her.

Forest follows her intrigued to hear what she has to say about Smosh. Tosha and Forest sit down and start to talk.

"So what would you like to know?" Tosha asks while grabbing a drink from the fridge.

"How are the people that work here? What are they like?" Forest asks in a questioning tone trying to learn as much as she can.

"Well everyone is really nice, especially Uncle E. Everyone is really good at communicating and following each other's boundaries." Tosha answers honestly as she's gotten to know everyone super well.

"Also I noticed that you call Ian and Anthony your uncles. Are they related to you?" Forest asks, trying to understand their dynamic.

"No they aren't, but for the past 3 years they've become a big part of my family so it just came naturally." Tosha says while taking a sip of water explaining the situation to Forest.

"Oh ok I guess that makes sense." Forest replies, starting to understand.

"Yeah, see, my dad was 17 when I was born. My bio mom left because she wasn't ready for a kid. So for a while it was just my dad and me. Then when I was 5 or 6 my dad met my amazing stepmom. Then a couple years later I got to add Smosh to my family. It's been crazy but I love it " Tosha says smiling fondly opening up to Forest about her family life.

After Tosha finishes explaining to Forest, Anthony and Lasercorn come over.

"Uncle Anthony, did you hear the exciting news?" Tosha asks excitedly, bouncing slightly in her seat.

"What happened sweetheart?" Anthony asks, smiling at his niece.

"Uncle E said I will be a part of the Summer Games!!" Tosha yells still not over how exciting the news is to her.

"That's awesome sis. Hopefully you'll get to be on my team." Anthony says while hugging her tightly.

Just then Ian walks up

"No way Anthony she's on my team" Ian says while snatching Tosha from
Anthony fighting over the kid.

As Tosha, Ian, and Anthony all laugh and joke around, Forest watches. Thinking maybe this job will be ok after all.

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