✨Chapter 31✨

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(Time Skip to May 2023)

Tosha knew today was a big day. Today Anthony was coming back officially and surprising everyone. These past few months have been the hardest ever in keeping the secret. She tried her best but failed luckily the only person she let slip to was Trevor and he promised not to tell anyone. Ian had called a meeting and now she's just waiting for Anthony to come in.

As they are all sitting there wondering what is happening Anthony walks in. Tosha is the first to see him and even though she already knew she can't help but cry.

The next person to see him is Shayne who immediately points him out to Courtney, Forest, and Damien. Everyone is still a little confused thinking he's just back for a video until he starts talking.

"I'm sure you're all wondering what's going on right now." Ian says looking around at the company he's worked so hard for.

"We bought Smosh!!" Ian and Anthony yell excited to finally tell everyone they're back.

The crowd erupts into applause and cheers. People can't believe that Anthony is actually back and that these two own Smosh again. Tosha smiles at her Uncle's excited for the future. As she's looking at them Shayne comes up to her.

"Hey kiddo." He says looking at her confused by her reaction.

"Hey Uncle Shayne." She says smiling at him unaware he knows something.

"You knew, didn't you sis." Shayne asks, figuring that is the only reason she isn't completely freaking out.

She looks at him trying to come up with something but she ends up just telling him the truth. "Yeah I found out in November by accident."

"November? That was six months ago. I'm surprised you kept it a secret so long." Shayne says surprised she was able to keep such a big secret.

"It was the hardest thing ever and technically I did tell Trevor but I'm surprised too." She tells him thankful she no longer has to worry about keeping the secret.

While they are talking Courtney, Forest, and Damien come over and tell them everyone is going out tonight to celebrate. They also tell them that they are done for the day since no one is actually gonna get any work done.

"I'm gonna go find Trev and I'll meet you guys there ok." Tosha tells them before going to find Trevor.

"Ok sis we'll see you there." Courtney says as they all head to their cars and drive to the new location.

Tosha heads over to Mythical and begins looking for Trevor. As she's looking for him she runs into Rhett and asks him.

"Hey Rhett, have you seen Trevor anywhere?" She asks him while still looking around for her boyfriend.

"Hey Tosha I heard about Anthony coming back congrats and yeah he's finishing up an episode of imposter chief." Rhett tells her, smiling at her.

"Thanks Rhett." She says ready to go find her boyfriend and head to the party.

"No problem T. Hey I just wanted to let you know that boy is truly in love with you. He talks about you all the time.
You've got a good one." Rhett tells her genuinely happy for her and Trevor.

Tosha smiles at him and thanks him then runs off to find Trevor. Once she finds him she tells him about the party and they head there. As they are in the car Tosha can't help but stare at him and think about what Rhett said. She really does have a good one and she never plans on losing him.

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