✨Chapter 17✨

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(Time Skip to May 2021)

Tosha wakes up in her apartment after barely sleeping last night. Today is her first day back at Smosh officially. After her dad left she lost contact with almost everyone; the only people she really saw were Shayne & Courtney and occasionally Forest.

Those were probably some of the hardest years of her life. In her head pushing everyone away was the only way to keep it from hurting her but in the end it only made things worse.

When she turned 18 she got into a very toxic relationship and she had no one to turn to. It actually wasn't until she finally started talking to a therapist and actually worked on her relationships with everyone that she felt like she might be getting better. The hardest part was having to apologize to her Aunt Dani. In those years there's no one she missed more.

They had a very long and emotional conversation and started to mend their relationship. Neither of them were actually mad at eachother, just sad they spent so much time away.
Forest is actually the one who helped her finally gain the courage to leave her three year relationship. It terrified Tosha since for a while he was all she had but with the help of Forest & the rest of her family she broke up with him and is currently living her best life.

Once she started coming around more Ian mentioned that there would always be a place at Smosh for her so she decided to come back.
Smosh is always one of her favorite places and getting to go back feels like a dream. Even if it's not all the same people as back then she can't wait to meet everyone and make new friends.

As she gets dressed for her first day she grabs the outfit she layed out but another shirt falls from the hanger. It's her shirt from her last Summer Games. She looks at it fondly and takes it as a sign that this is what is meant to happen.

She throws on her randy bandit t-shirt a pair of jeans and her converse. She puts her hair up in a bun and grabs her keys and starts the drive to the studio. As she arrives she sits in her car and looks at the building scared but ready for this new adventure. She takes a deep breath and gets out of the car and walks inside.

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