✨Chapter 25✨

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Tosha wakes up around 10 am still on a high from the night before. She picks up her phone and sees a text from Trevor telling her that he'll pick her up around 8 pm and to wear something casual. She also sees a million messages from Forest and Courtney asking about last night. Instead of texting them back she just decides to invite them over. They both respond back almost immediately saying they are on their way and Court says that Shayne is also coming.

After that she gets up and takes a quick shower and throws on some comfy clothes. As she's brushing her hair she hears a knock on her door. She opens her door and standing there is her Aunts & her Uncle. She gives them all hugs then they immediately start asking questions.

"Ok Tater tot you've made us wait long enough. How did last night go?" Forest asks.

"Yeah T, you can't just leave us in suspense." Courtney says ready to hear about last night.

"Ok ok guys. So I told him that if the offer still stood I'd love to go on a date with him." Tosha tells them, smiling at the memory.

"What did he say? Do I have to fight him?" Shayne asks a little overprotective when it comes to Tosha.

"No uncle Shayne you don't. Actually we are going on a date tonight. He's picking me up at 8 pm." She says calming her uncle down.

"Oh my god that's awesome Tater Tot!" Forest says hugging Tosha excitedly.

"Ahh my baby is going on a date!" Courtney says hugging her as well.

Tosha smiles at how excited they are for her and she even catches Shayne smiling slightly. She tells them about the text she got and how Trevor told her to wear something casual. Forest and Courtney immediately run to her closet to look at her clothes wanting to pick her the best outfit possible. As they go to her room Tosha looks over at Shayne and sees a single tear escape his eye.

"Uncle Shayne you ok?" Tosha asks, genuinely confused and concerned.

"Yeah I'm ok sister. I guess I'm just a little worried. I know that Trevor is nothing like Jordan but it still scares me." Shayne tells her a few more tears escape his eyes.

Tosha hugs him. She understands his feelings and decides to just let him talk through them knowing that's what works for him.

"It's not that I think Trevor would ever hurt you but it is just bringing back those memories. I hated seeing you like that sis and it killed me not being able to help. Now that we have you back I guess I'm just afraid to lose you again you know." Shayne tells her just letting his feelings out and hugging her back.

"I know what you mean. Trust me I'm still scared because I know that relationship almost killed me. It's ok to still be afraid but I remember you telling me when I was younger that even though something was scary not to let it hold you back from doing something that makes you happy." She says teary eyed.

"I can't believe you remember that. I just want you to know that no matter what happens I'll always be here for you sis. Please never forget that. I love you so much sweetheart." Shayne tells her, smiling at her.

"I'll always remember that it's the best advice I've ever been given. I promise you Uncle Shayne that if something happens I'll always tell you. You're not gonna lose me again I promise. I love you too, Uncle Shay." Tosha tells him hugging him tightly and letting a few tears out.

As they are hugging, Forest and Courtney come back with a few outfits for her to try on. They stare at the two confused at what happened while they were gone. Shayne and Tosha both smile at them and then she takes the first outfit to go try it on.

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