✨Chapter 34✨

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(Time skip to December 31st, 2023)

The crew had decided they weren't gonna have a New Year's party this year to give everyone time to just relax. So when Trevor said something about spending their New Year's Eve recreating their first date Tosha couldn't have been more excited. Since it was winter she put on a pair of jeans and a really cute new sweater she had just bought. She also put on one of Trevor's hoodies.

Trevor was an anxious mess. Tonight was the night he was gonna propose he had everything all planned. He dressed semi casual so Tosha wouldn't think anything was up and he grabbed the ring and hid it in his jacket pocket. Then they headed out the door and to the arcade.

Once they got inside Trevor suggested that instead of perfectly recreating their first date they did it backwards. They started at the racing game which Tosha won. Then played basketball and no surprise Trevor won. Next was skeeball and Trevor was trying his best to stay calm. He played his round then watched as Tosha played hers. As she threw her last ball he got down on one knee behind her and pulled out the ring.

Tosha jumped in excitement when she realized she had won. She turned around ready to brag that she had won yet again but stopped dead in her tracks. When she turned around she saw him down on his knee ring in hand smiling at her.

"Natosha Jane Moss these past two years have been the best years of my life. I remember the first time I met you and I immediately knew that you were it for me. I waited for you and I'd wait forever if I had to because you are the only person I want to be with for the rest of my life. So I wanted to ask you in the spot where we started our relationship, " Will you marry me?" Trevor says his speech nervously but completely full of love.

Tosha looks at him with tears in her eyes and smiles at him. "Oh my gosh Trevor of course I will." She says and jumps into his arm

He hugs her back and then slips the ring on her finger. She smiles at him again barely containing her tears.

"I love you so much Trevor." She tells him still in shock.

"I love you too Tosha." He says not sure if he's dreaming or not.

After a couple minutes of them just standing there enjoying the moment they decided it's time to head home. Tosha figures she'll wait till later to call everyone since it's 2 am but Trevor has one more trick up his sleeve. As they drive home and go to walk inside Tosha sees her whole family in her house. Her mom, dad, brothers, sister, all her Uncles and Aunts and she can't help but be amazed that Trevor really thought of everything.

Everyone congratulates her and Trevor and takes pictures and talks about the wedding. They celebrate until about 6 am and then everyone says their goodbyes and heads home.

Tosha and Trevor decide to finally get some sleep so they lay down. As Tosha drifts off to sleep she thinks about her past and how she never thought she'd make it this far.

But here she is in bed next to her fiancée, someone who loves her and would do anything to make her happy. As she finally falls asleep she feels Trevor wrap his arm around her and pull her close and she can't help but smile.

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