✨Chapter 14✨

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Once they get in the car, Forest lets Tosha connect to her Bluetooth and play music. Tosha plays Love Yourself by Justin Bebier and they jam the whole way home. Once they finally reach Forest's house Tosha jumps out of the car and follows her inside excitedly. She immediately finds Forest's black cat ,Binx, and begins playing with him.

"Ok Tater Tot what do you want to do tonight?" Forest asks, putting her bag down at the door and hanging her keys up.

"Can we order pizza, film a cover song for your channel, play some board games and watch movies?" Tosha lists off, still playing with Binx.

"Sounds like a plan. You figure out a song while I order the pizza ok?" Forest says grabbing her phone and calling the pizza place.

Tosha grabs her phone and immediately starts looking up songs. She's narrowed it down to two by the time the pizza arrives. She's stuck between Scars to your beautiful and This Town.
Eventually they decide on Scars to your Beautiful. Forest looks up the cords and Tosha looks over the lyrics. Once they both have the song down they quickly film the video. Once they are done Forest posts the video on her channel.

Once the video is posted they eat pizza and play a couple games. Forest ends up being one of the only ones that can beat Tosha in Connect Four. They play multiple games trying to see who could win more.

After they are done eating, Forest throws their plates away before putting away the leftover pizza. When Forest comes back to the couch she's carrying two fluffy blankets.

Forest plops down on the couch beside Tosha and lays a blanket over her. She reaches to grab the remote off the table. "Whatcha wanna watch tater?"

Tosha thinks for a minute before speaking "Ooo! Can we watch Hercules?"

Forest smiles nodding her head. "Absolutely. Maybe you take after me more than we think. Hercules has always been my favorite."

Forest starts playing Hercules as Tosha cuddles into her side. They watch the whole movie together happily. Forest decides to start one more, so she puts on Tangled.
About halfway through Tangled Forest feels Tosha's head start to get heavier. Forest looks down at her seeing Tosha fighting to stay awake. Forest laughs at her slightly before tapping her shoulder.

"Let's go to bed Tater tot."

Tosha sleepily nods her head walking slowly to Forest's bed room. Forest quickly gets her in bed telling her a quick goodnight and kissing her forehead. Tosha smiles at Forest and sleepily tells her goodnight.

The next morning Tosha wakes up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes. She quickly hops out of bed and runs to the kitchen.

Tosha hops on the counter next to Forest. "Morning Aunt Dani! Thanks for making pancakes!"

Forest smiles at the young girl flipping a pancake. "Morning Tater. And you're welcome, you know I have to make your favorite when you stay over."

They eat breakfast together making light conversation in between bites. Once the girls finish Forest tells Tosha to get dressed as she washes the dishes.
Tosha runs back to Forest room looking in the drawers that Forest keeps some of Toshas clothes in. She decides on some simple jean shorts and her old smosh games shirt. Tosha quickly brushes her hair out before joining Forest back in the living room.
Forest looks at Tosha as she finishes feeding her cat and smiles

"You look great tater tot. Are you ready to go?"

Tosha quickly nods her head starting towards the door. Forest follows her, grabbing her bag and keys before locking the door behind her. They drive twenty minutes to the office as Tosha plays her music.
Once they arrive, Forest and Tosha quickly head inside. Tosha immediately finds her father to tell him the amazing time she had with Aunt Dani. As she talks Lasercorn catches Forest eyes smiling at her. Forest nods and smiles back. Though no words were spoken there was an implication of 'God, we are so lucky to have this kid in our lives.'

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