✨Chapter 32✨

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(Time skip to September 2023)

Tosha and Trevor arrive at work and unfortunately have to separate for the day. Tosha heads to the game studio to film and Trevor heads over to Mythicals morning meeting. Something has been on Trevor's mind lately and he's ready to start putting everything together. He wants to ask Tosha to marry him.
As he heads over to the meeting he runs into Forest. Not being able to help himself he says something to her.

"Hey Forest, I was thinking about proposing to Tosha soon. Any thoughts?" He says fast and a little nervous not letting Forest say anything first.

She stares at him in shock, not sure what to say. "I just wanted to ask where Tosha was but oh my god you're gonna propose that's amazing." She says basically jumping in joy.

Trevor breathes a sigh of relief after getting some confirmation that he's making the right choice. "Thanks Forest sorry I sprung that on you I just had to tell someone."

"You're ok kid. I'm so excited for you guys. You make her happy and I love you for that." She tells him, smiling.

After they talk a little more they both go to film. The next person Trevor needs to talk to is who he fears most Lasercorn.

(A couple weeks later)

Trevor is able to sneak over to Lasercorns on a day Tosha had an early morning shoot. He goes over there and nervously asks him if he can marry his daughter. Lasercorn smiles at him and tells him it took him long enough to ask. As they are talking about everything they hear something and look over.

Standing in the doorframe is Tyler and Amir. They both have tears running down their faces. Once they realize they've been caught they run to their room. Lasercorn and Trevor sit there confused until it dawns on Trevor what's going on. He tells Lasercorn he'll go talk to the boys and then heads to their room.

"Tyler, Amir, can I talk to you guys?" Trevor says gently knocking on their door.

Amir comes and opens the door, tears still running down his face. "Taking our sister away wasn't enough. Now you wanna marry her and keep her away forever." He says angrily with tears running down the young kid's face.

"Amir, Ty, is that what you guys are upset about?" Trevor asks, walking into the room.

"Yeah you can't keep our sister she's ours we just got her back." Tyler says trying his best to hold in tears.

"Oh boys come here." Trevor says to them and wraps them both in a hug. "I'm not gonna take her away I promise."

"Promise?" They both say looking up at him with watery eyes.

"Of course not, your sister loves you boys so much I would never keep her from you. The only thing that's gonna change when we get married is her last name and I'll officially be your guy's brother. We'll still be around I promise." He tells them hugging them and reassuring them.

This calms the boys down and they realize that the only reason they were worried was because of Jordan but he's long gone. After a couple more minutes Trevor tells the boys he's gotta go and promises to come over this weekend with Tosha. They smile and hug him and say goodbye.

Trevor heads home ready to start on the next phase of his plan, ring shopping. He starts looking at rings and decides he might need some help so he calls his best friend and his girlfriend Shayne and Courtney. They immediately come over and spend all day looking at rings online and then plan on going to a jewelry store sometime next week.

A couple hours go by and Trevor tells them they have to go because Tosha is on her way home. Shayne and Courtney tell him goodbye and literally five minutes after they leave Tosha walks in the door. They order food and watch a movie and Trevor can't help but think about how he can't wait to marry this girl.

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