✨Chapter 27✨

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It's been a little over a month since their date. Since then they've been hanging out at every chance and have been inseparable at work. Today was Tosha's first day off in a while so she decided to go see her brothers, and her parents. As she drives over there she prepares herself for the question because she had been warned by Ian that he mentioned something to Lasercorn. When she arrives she walks in and is immediately greeted by Tyler and Amir. They run up and hug her excited to see their big sister.

"Hey boys. What have you been up to?" She says hugging them soaking in the moment.

"Nothing much, just school sissy." Amir answered, hugging her still.

"Dad told us you have a boyfriend, did you bring him?" Tyler asks, looking past his sister.

Tosha rolls her eyes at him and just then Lasercorn and Brina walk over.

"Hey kiddo we've missed you. It's nice to see you." They say and hug her.

"I know I've missed you guys too, it's nice to be home." She says looking around fondly, memories playing in her head.

"Ok back to this boyfriend, where is he?" Tyler says, interrupting the moment.

They all laugh while Tosha playfully rolls her eyes. Tosha tells them about Trevor but makes sure to inform Tyler they aren't dating yet. Tosha answers all their questions but she can tell something is wrong with her dad. After a while Tyler and Amir get bored and go to play video games. So she uses this moment to ask her dad what's wrong.

"Ok Dad, I know something's up. You have a horrible poker face. What's going on?" She asks nervously worried what he's going to say.

Lasercorn doesn't say anything, instead he hands her an envelope. She looks at it confused until she sees who it's from. Written in big letters is Tosha Moss but right next to it is Gemma Channing.

"When did you get this?" She asks staring at the letter in her hand

"It came today sis. I know that you have your own feelings but I really think you should read it." Lasercorn says, gently placing his hand on her shoulder.

Tosha sits at the kitchen table with Lasercorn and Brina next to her. She takes a deep breath before opening the letter and then begins reading.

"Dear Tosha, my daughter, I know that you don't know me and I also know that is my fault. I'm sure you have feelings about me but I want you to know that I have always loved you. I've seen you started working at Smosh. Congrats. Anyway I was writing because I was wondering if you would want to meet. Also you have a brother and a sister, Asher, he's 19 and Leala, who will turn one this year. I'd love to finally meet my internet famous daughter. Love Gemma." Tosha reads the letter while tears form in her eyes.

Brina sees her tears and hugs her. Lasercorn stands there ready to let his daughter talk about it.

"She wants to meet her internet famous daughter. She waited until I made something of myself and now she wants to be a part of my life." Tosha says still crying when she looks at the letter again.

"She says I have two siblings Asher and Leala." She stares at the ages and she can't believe her eyes she starts hyperventilating and bawling.

Lasercorn grabs her and holds her close and tries his best to help her breathe. He's not sure what made her react like that but he'll find out after he makes sure she's ok. It takes a few minutes but her breathing starts to return to normal.

"Sis, what happened?" He asks, still holding her like she's glass.

"You told me she left because she wasn't ready for a kid right?" She asks, looking straight at her dad, almost emotionless.

"That's what she told me. She said that she wasn't ready for the responsibility so she left you with me." Lasercorn answered honestly, still a little confused.

"Then explain to me how her son is only 10 months younger than me." She says through tears.

"It wasn't that she was ready, it was just because she didn't want me." She continues bawling harder, holding onto her dad.

In that moment Lasercorn feels his heart break. His baby girl is in pain and there's nothing he can say to help and worst of all it came from someone who was supposed to love and protect her. Brina looks down at Tosha sadly not sure how to help. The only thing Lasercorn can think to do is just sit there holding Tosha. So he does just that he holds her and lets her cry until she physically can't and falls asleep from exhaustion in his arms.

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