✨Chapter 30✨

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(Time skip to November 2022)

Tosha wakes up to see Trevor next to her. She immediately cuddles closer to him. Trevor smiles and kisses her forehead. They stay in bed and cuddle a little longer before Trevor has to go in to work.

After about thirty minutes Trevor finally gets up and gets dressed. As he's going to leave he gives her a kiss and tells her he loves her as he walks out the door.

Tosha sits up not sure what to do today until she realizes her Uncle Ian's birthday is tomorrow. Since they have to work she decides to go surprise him today. She gets up and throws on a shirt and pants and fixes her hair. Then she gets in her car and decides to go get him some donuts so she grabs them and then heads to his house.

As she pulls into his driveway she sees a car she recognizes but can't place. She figured it's probably just one of his friends that's been there before so she gets out and walks to the door. She puts in the code to his house and quietly sneaks inside. She can hear people talking in the living room so she follows the sound.

Once she reaches the door right before the living room she catches a voice she hasn't heard in forever. Then she hears the words 'We're gonna own Smosh again.'

Tosha stands in shock not believing what she just heard. She decides to finally reveal herself and find out what's going on. She walks into the living room and Ian and Anthony look at her in shock.

"Happy Early Birthday Uncle Ian!" Tosha says, looking at them nervously.

After she sits down the donuts she can't stop herself anymore. She immediately goes and hugs her Uncle Anthony and starts crying. Anthony hugs her back and rubs her back.

"Hey sis. It's been a while hasn't it?" He says, a little upset with himself for letting their relationship slip away.

"I missed you so much Uncle Ant." She responds clinging to him, scared he might slip away again.

After a couple minutes she let's go and then hugs her other Uncle.

"Ok I hate to be nosy but I was standing behind the wall and heard you guys." Tosha says not sure she believes what her brain heard.

"What did you hear, pumpkin?" Ian asks, not sure how much she heard and not wanting to say it in case she didn't hear.

"Is Smosh really coming back Uncle Ant are you coming back?" She asks awaiting the answer still scared she might've misheard

"Well E she heard so there's no point in lying to her. We never were too good at it anyway." Anthony says smiling at Ian and her.

"Yes, sis we are working on buying Smosh back and Anthony is coming back." Ian says watching how his niece reacts to the news.

Tosha immediately starts crying and jumping in joy. She can't believe she's actually gonna have her family back together again even if it's not the complete same.

"You can't tell anyone yet T. We're still working everything out ok." Anthony tells her, making sure she understands.

"That means even Trevor, little girl." Ian says knowing her and how she does things.

"Ok ok I promise." Tosha says smiling still not believing this is real

"Wait a minute, who's Trevor?" Anthony asks her, smiling.

"Oh that's her boyfriend Anthony. He's a pretty good kid." Ian explains to him.

Tosha has a bright red blush and tries to hide it. After Anthony asks a few more questions enjoying being able to talk to his niece again like old times Tosha starts asking questions. Ian and Anthony tell her everything they can about the deal.

After they begin to talk about Old times and just sit around reminiscing on the past and becoming more excited for the future.

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