✨Chapter 12✨

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Nobody knows how but after the Christmas party about half the crew got sick. So filming was postponed till after the New Year. Today was everyone's first day back. Tosha walks in the doors with Lasercorn but then is immediately off to find who knows who. The first person she runs into is Anthony.

"Hey Uncle Anthony, I missed you." She says hugging him and still looking around.

"I missed you too sweetheart. How are you feeling?" Anthony ask's hugging her and asking how she feels, knowing she was one of the sicker ones.

"A lot better now, that sickness was horrible." Tosha replied, making a face at being sick.

Tosha says bye to Anthony and then immediately finds Shayne. She tried to get his attention but he wasn't paying attention. He was too focused on something. Tosha followed his eyes and they were on none other than Courtney. Tosha couldn't help herself; she immediately ran over to her Aunt Courtney and told her.

"Aunt Courtney Aunt Courtney" Tosha yells running over to her excitedly.

"Woah, slow down there baby. What's up?" Courtney answered, trying to calm down her niece laughing at her softly.

"Don't look now but Shayne is staring at you." She whispered quietly so only Courtney heard.

Courtney gasps. She slowly turns around like she's looking for someone and she barely catches him quickly turning around.

"See! I told you!" Tosha exclaims excitedly

"I saw sis I saw!" Courtney responded trying to figure out her next move.

Just as Tosha was about to say something she heard her father yell for her. She immediately runs over to him to find out what's going on. He tells her that Uncle Ian wants her in a video today. She becomes extremely excited and follows her dad to the set.
Once they arrive Ian explains to Tosha what they are doing. After two hours of filming they are finally done. Tosha isn't needed anymore so she goes and sits out in the lobby area. Shayne sees her and sits down to talk to her.

"Hey kiddo, what's up?" Shayne asks, sitting down next to her.

"Nothing much I just got done filming and was kinda tired. What about you?" Tosha asks laying down

"Oh I've got another hour before I've gotta film." Shayne says.

"Can I ask you something?" Shayne asks nervously looking at his hands.

"Yeah what's up?" Tosha responds nonchalantly laying on the couch.

"So I kinda have a crush on Courtney and.." Shayne says freaking out a little.

"Omg I knew it." Tosha yells jumping up from the couch.

"You knew." Shayne half yells half whispers.

"Yeah you're kinda obvious about it." Tosha says to him honestly.

"Well what do I do?" Shayne questions while still freaking out.

"Ask her out. That's what you do." Tosha replied confidently, looking directly at Shayne.

"Are you sure I don't want to mess anything up?" Shayne nervously responds, picking at his nails.

"Trust me Shayne just do it." Tosha says standing up ready to head home.

After she says that she gets a text from Lasercorn telling her that they are going home because Tyler ended up sick.

"I'll see you later Shayne but trust me just ask." Tosha says before walking to her dads car.

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