✨Chapter 26✨

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Tosha tries on outfit after outfit until they land on a pair of jeans, a black bralette, and a mesh long sleeve top paired with her black converse. Courtney insists on doing some light makeup and Forest curls Tosha's hair.
By the time they finish it's 7:30 pm.

She tells the three goodbye and that she'll tell them all about it later. Just as she goes to wait for Trevor she hears a knock. She opens the door and standing there is Trevor with a bouquet of daisies, her favorite flower. She smiles and takes the flowers and puts them in a vase.

She then takes his hand and he leads her to his car where he opens and closes the door for her.  He then gets in the car and begins driving. They talk about work and just life in general until they pull up to an arcade. Tosha looks at the place in amazement.

"Oh my gosh where did you find this place? I didn't even know arcades were still a thing." Tosha asks, excited to go inside.

"I found it one day. Figured it'd be a nice first date." Trevor says, smiling at her and her excitement.

"Well let's go. You're going down Trev." She replies, smirking and heading inside.

Trevor follows her thinking about how lucky he is that this amazing and beautiful woman is giving him a chance. He's gonna do everything in his power to make sure he doesn't lose her.
They get inside and Trevor buys a card with "tokens" on it to play games. Tosha immediately gravitates towards skee ball. Trevor swipes the card on two machines and they see who can get the highest score. Tosha ends up winning only by a little.

Then it's Trevor's turn to pick and he chooses basketball. Of course with his height and just overall athleticism he ends up winning.
They decide to play one of the racing games and the winner gets to pick what prize they get. It comes down to the last lap but Tosha swoops by Trevor and wins. Trevor whines that it wasn't fair jokingly rolling his eyes. Tosha laughs and then grabs his hand and goes to pick out her prize.

She picks out a cute stuffed bear with a game controller.
After exchanging their tickets for the prize they decide to go get some food. They end up at In & Out. They sit and eat, then Trevor drives her home and walks her to her door.

"That was really fun T. I had a great time with you tonight." Trevor says to her smiling and blushing.

"It definitely was. I had a really great time with you too, Trev." She replies also smiling and blushing.

As they stand there just looking at each other they both slowly start to lean in. A few inches from each other's face Tosha closes the distance and kisses him. Trevor is shocked but immediately gains his composure and kisses her back. He wraps his arms around her and holds her close to him.
After a couple minutes they break apart. They smile at each other and say their goodbyes. Tosha goes inside and can't help but smile. She decides to wait to call her Aunt Dani & Aunt Courtney. She lets herself just bask in the moment and the memory of what happened tonight.

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