✨Chapter 19✨

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They walk over to the conference room where everyone is. When they walk in Tosha immediately notices some of her friends from before. Noah, Olivia, Keith, Damien all jump up and hug her excited for her to be back.

After a couple minutes of hugging and talking Ian begins to introduce everyone else. Sitting at the table there's Saige,Kimmy, and Jackie. They all politely say hi and talk a little then Ian starts to talk about what is planned for the day.

Ian tells Tosha that her first video back is gonna be a try not to laugh. They will reintroduce her and let everyone know that she is going to be part of the Smosh cast. She is also going to be filming a SmoshCast episode so everyone can get to know her again. She's also in a board af video where they are playing a dress up game.

After the rundown everyone starts to go do their own things until it's time to film. Tosha decides that she'll use this time to talk to her new coworkers and get to know them better. She first sees Kimmy and goes to sit by her.

"Hey you're Kimmy right?" She says sitting next to her

Kimmy sits her phone down and smiles at Tosha. " Yeah you're Tosha, Lasercorns daughter right?"

"The one and only." She says confidently smiling at her.

"It's nice to finally meet you. I've definitely heard stories about you having a face to go with it." She replied jokingly

"Oh my hopefully good stories. I know how Ian can be." Tosha says slightly laughing

They both laugh and continue talking for about 20 minutes until it's time to film. They walk to set together and continue talking. They film TNTL and everyone does amazing. Jackie did one but that made Tosha laugh harder than she ever had before.

After filming is done and mics are taken off Tosha goes up to Jackie and Saige and starts a conversation with them. Jackie turns out to be a really cool person but something seems off about Saige; she just can't quite figure it out, but she always trusts her gut.

As she goes to say something, Shayne hollers for her telling her it's time to film SmoshCast. She says bye to Jackie and Saige and follows Shayne. As they are walking to sit Tosha sees a boy that wasn't at the meeting.

"Hey Uncle Shayne, who is that guy?" She says pointing to the tall brown haired man

"Oh him that's Trevor he works over at Mythical. He comes over now and again. I think he's around your age. Trev come here." Shayne explained then called Trevor over to introduce him to Tosha.

"Hey man what's up? Who's this?" Trevor asks curious about this new girl and why Shayne needed him.

"This is Tosha, she's a "new" Smosh member." Shayne says using quotations around new

"Hi Tosha, I'm Trevor." He replies smiling at her and putting out his hand for her.

"Hey I'm Tosha." She replies nervously, shaking his hand.

"We'll it's nice to meet you but I gotta go film. I'll see you around T. Bye Shayne." Trevor says before running off to film.

Tosha watches him leave and tries her best to hide her blush from her Uncle but it's already too late.

"You like him don't you?" Shayne says looking at his niece. Shayne has always had a sort of sixth sense for this sort of thing.

"Maybe, but I just got out of a relationship so nothing's gonna happen. He is pretty handsome though." Tosha says, smiling simply at the thought of him.

"Oh I'm telling your Aunts about this." Shayne says smiling then takes off running to find Forest & Courtney.

"Uncle Shayne No!" Tosha takes off after him while still thinking about Trevor.

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