✨Chapter 24✨

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As she walks in she's immediately greeted by Ian. He tells her where everything is and tells her to have fun then goes off to greet the rest of the people there. As she walks further into the room her eyes immediately land on Trevor. She stops in her footsteps taking in how he looks. He's wearing an outfit similar to what he wore to the Christmas party; he's only missing his jacket which is safely on Tosha. He's in the corner talking to Shayne, Josh, and Damien. Shayne sees her looking at him and calls her over to the group.

"Sis, come here." Shayne says beckoning her over to them.

She walks over to them a little nervous but excited. She immediately says hi to all of them and they start talking to all of them.

"Hey guys, how's the party so far?" Tosha asks, mostly looking at Trevor.

"It's been pretty good so far. I really like that jacket on you." Trevor answered and smiled at her genuinely.

"Thanks, a really cool guy let me borrow it. I probably should remember to give it back to him soon." She replies, smiling at him feeling the butterflies in her stomach.

"You know I think you look better in it, maybe you should just keep it." He jokes while looking her up and down slightly.

Tosha blushes deep red and smiles at him. As they continue talking, hours pass and eventually it's 11:59 pm.

"It's almost midnight T, you ready?" Trevor says smiling at her trying his best to hide the fact that he's absolutely in love with her.

As the countdown begins both Trevor and Tosha stand next to each other.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Happy New Year." Everyone yells out before the couples share their New Years kiss.

As the commotion dies down and the new year starts Tosha knows that she has to tell him. So she grabs his hand and takes him to a quieter place. Trevor follows a little confused but knowing he'd follow her anywhere. After she finds a spot she turns and looks Trevor in the eyes.

"Hey Trev, if that offer still stands I'd love to go out with you.." she says nervously looking straight at him.

His face immediately breaks out into a gigantic smile. "Are you serious T? Of course the offer stands. How about tomorrow night?" He says, the smile never leaving his face.

"That sounds perfect, Trev. I can't wait." She says hugging him while blushing.

After a couple more hours of just talking the party ends and Trevor promises to text her tomorrow to plan their date. They hug goodbye and as Tosha drives back home she can't help but smile. She knows that Forest & Courtney are going to have a thousand questions for her, but right now she can't be bothered to answer them. Once she arrives home she lays down and drifts to sleep thinking about her date and Trevor.

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