✨Chapter 21✨

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(Time skip to October 2021)

Tosha heads to the board af studio to film. Once she gets there she sees that they are playing Overrated, one of her favorite games. Forest, Courtney, Saige, Ian, Kimmy are sitting at the table. She goes to sit down next to Forest wondering why there is one more empty seat. Trevor runs into the room.

He immediately apologizes for being late then sits next to Tosha.
As he sits down she tries her best to hide her slight blush. She hides it well but even though she tries, Forest & Courtney catch her and smirk before looking over at each other and slightly nodding.

"Hey T you ready to play Overrated?" Trevor asks, smiling at her.

"Yeah this is one of my favorite games. What about you?" She responds looking straight in his eyes, mesmerized by them.

"I haven't ever played it but I'm pretty excited to hang out with my friends." He responds, staring at her with admiration.

"You're gonna have fun, don't worry." She says then hears Spencer start to explain the game to everyone then starts the video.

As they begin playing Tosha can't help but sneak glances at Trevor. His laugh fills the room and causes butterflies in her stomach. Unbeknownst to her Trevor is also stealing glances at her. They both play a great game and in the end Tosha ends up winning. After they finish filming Tosha heads off set and starts walking to the kitchen when Trevor catches her.

"Hey T, I had a question for you, and I'm kinda nervous to ask but." Trevor says nervously looking down at his feet and messing with the hem of his shirt.

"What's up Trev?" She responds nervously.

"I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go out with me sometime?" Trevor asks, still a little nervous barley raising his head to look at her.

"Trev as much as I'd love to. I just got out of a very toxic relationship and I don't think it'd be fair to you. I'm sorry" She answers him sadly and frowns slightly, dropping her head.

"Oh ok sorry I didn't mean to.." Trevor stutters nervously apologizing for the situation.

"Hey Trev no don't worry it's nothing to do with you, Trust me. I'm just not in the right headspace at the moment to be in a relationship." Tosha explains making sure he doesn't feel bad.

"Ok well maybe we can still hang out you know as friends. I'd still love to get to know you better." Trevor replies after listening to Tosha's explanation, still knowing he wants to be close to her.

"I'd love that Trev" she smiles at him trying to hide her blush.

Even though she knows it won't be fair to date him, she can't help the feeling of butterflies that comes when Trevor is around.

"I'll text you and sit something up T but sorry to run I gotta go film Imposter Chief. I'll see you later." He smiles at her and runs off hiding his blush as well.

"Bye Trev see you later." She replies smiling at him as he runs off.

Out of the corner of her eye she sees Shayne looking at her. He smirks at her and slightly motions for her to come over. She walks over to him prepared to deal with him teasing her.

"Hey sis. What are you up to?" Shayne asks, smirking at her with a teasing tone in his voice.

"Nothing happened Uncle Shayne." She replies trying her best to lie to him, slightly shaking her head.

"Natosha Jane Moss you really think after all this time I can't tell when you're lying to me. Something happened." Shayne says looking at his niece and smiling, trying to guilt her by using her full name.

"Ok ok he asked me out but I told him I can't since I just got out of a relationship but we are gonna hang out sometime." Tosha tells her Uncle slightly blushing and thinking about Trevor.

"Well sis I'm proud of you for not jumping back into another relationship but it's pretty obvious you like him." Shayne says while wrapping her up in a hug.

"Thanks Uncle Shayne I appreciate it and yeah I know I'm not the best at hiding my feelings." She replies, hugging him back and burying her face in his chest to hide her blush.

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