✨Chapter 9✨

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Tosha stands waiting for Ian & Anthony to explain what's going on. She messes with Mari, Courtney, and Forest while they are explaining what they will be doing for the video. Ian and Anthony play rock paper scissors to see who gets to pick first and Ian wins.

"Hah Anthony and with my first pick I chose Tosha!!" Ian says grabbing Tosha and spinning her around excited he won.

"Uncle E calm down" She says laughing and smiling as she spins in Ian's arms.

Ian eventually puts her down as they both laugh. Tosha quickly puts the team shirt over her own.

"Dang it, that's not fair but since you got Tosha I'm definitely picking Lasercorn." Anthony says laughing pinning the father daughter duo against each other.

"Oh you're going down Ian! Sorry sweetheart." Lasercorn exclaims to Ian and his daughter. As he is also excited for this friendly competition.

"Yeah I'm sure we are dad." Tosha says rolling her eyes mocking her dad.

They go back and forth choosing teams. The teams end up being Ian, Tosha, Wes, Sohinki, Flitz, Keith, and Olivia and then Anthony, Lasercorn, Courtney, Noah, Mari, Jovenshire, and Forest.
After the teams are chosen they start the first challenge which is ultimate Chicken. It's some video game. Even though Tosha had no idea what she was doing , somehow she still won.
After we were done filming they decided to be finished filming for the day. They all decided to go get food and ended up at Shake Shack. They all ordered and Anthony, Lasercorn and Wes all went to go get it. Tosha gets her food then goes to find the girls.

"Aunt Mari, where are you?" Tosha yells throughout the house trying to figure out where all the girls ended up.

"Over here sweetie." Mari yells from the living room with Courtney, Forest, and Olivia as they sit watching TV while eating.

"Coming" Tosha yells running to the living room to join her family.

Tosha runs to the living room and sits next to Mari & Forest. They sit there talking and eating their food. Tosha tells them all jokes, making them laugh.
After they finish eating they decide on a movie to watch and end up watching Lilo and Stitch. About half way through the movie Tosha starts to fall asleep and leans against Forest. Forest notices that she is asleep and grabs a blanket for her, laying it over her gently. The girls sit and watch the rest of the movie Tosha sleeping peacefully on Forest's lap. Forest gently brushes through Tosh's hair with her fingers as she sleeps.
After the movie is finished they all start heading to bed. As Lasercorn walks by, Forest gently calls for him trying not to wake up the young girl on her lap. Lasercorn comes in and sees Tosha asleep on Forest and Forest not moving a muscle. He laughs slightly and grabs Tosha carrying her to her bed.
Laser lays Tosha gently in her bed and covers her with the blanket. He gently kisses her forehead before speaking softly.

"Goodnight Sweetheart I'll see you in the morning. I love you."

"Love you too dad" Tosha mumbles in her sleep.

Tosha curls up in the comfortable bed. She's tired from all the activities of today but could not be more excited to see what tomorrow holds. She drifts back to sleep so she'll be well rested tomorrow.

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