✨Chapter 28✨

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It's been a few days since the letter disaster. She hasn't really thought about it since she's been back with Trevor. He's a pretty good distraction. As she walks into the studio today she can't help but notice how quiet it is. She looks around until she finds someone and she eventually finds her uncle Shayne.

She asks him what's going on but he doesn't answer. He hands her a note saying to go to the conference room. She's confused but she follows the instructions. As she enters the room she finds her Aunt Courtney who hands her another note. This time it tells her to head to set. She rolls her eyes but follows instruction.

She walks into the game studio and sitting on the couch is her Aunt Dani with another note. She takes the note a little frustrated and looks at Forest. Forest simply points to the note and winks at her niece. All it says is turn around. She turns around and sitting behind her on the table is a pizza box with 'Will you be my girlfriend or is this too cheesy' written on it. She smiles and then Trevor walks in to view.

"So what's the answer T?" Trevor asks, smiling at her.

Tosha smiles at him then walks over and kisses him. When they break apart she says "It's about dang time Trev. Of course I will."

Trevor smiles and immediately leans in for another kiss. After they break apart Tosha sees that everyone is there Shayne, Courtney, Ian, Damien, Forest, and the rest of the crew. They all congratulate the couple and Ian tells them they have the rest of the day off. Tosha looks at Trevor smiling. She can't believe she can finally call the boy she fell in love with, her boyfriend.

Since they have the day off Trevor invites her over for movies and pizza which she gladly accepts. Trevor drives them both over to his place and they change into pjs and sit on the couch. They end up just watching a couple Disney movies while cuddling and just enjoying each other's company.

At around 10 pm Trevor looks over and notices she's fallen asleep.
He quietly picks up their plates and puts away the pizza. He turns off the tv and picks her up and carries her to his bed. He lays her down then lays next to her. Once he gets in bed Tosha immediately cuddles into him and smiles in her sleep. Trevor wraps his arm around her, still amazed that this random girl who walked into his job one day is now his beautiful and amazing girlfriend. He leans down and kissed her forehead and then closes his eyes and falls asleep.

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