✨Chapter 20✨

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It's been a few weeks since Tosha started back at Smosh and she's loved every second of it. She fell right back into the routine and is getting back to herself. She's even started going over to her dads more.

She's also been getting to know Trevor more. Shayne did end up telling Forest & Courtney and even though they may tease her they also really want them to end up together. They've definitely constructed a few situations where it's been only her and Trevor together.

As she heads in to work today she decided to check the comments of the videos she's been in. Most people are excited to have her back as they remember her from when she was younger but then you've got the people who are mad saying she only got the job because of her dad.

She tries her best to ignore the hurtful comments and focuses on the positive ones. As she walks into the studio she catches her aunts and uncle scheming.

"What are you three up to?" She says looking at them.

"Oh nothing Tater tot. We were just talking." Forest says trying to hide the fact that they were talking about her.

"I don't believe you." She responded, slightly rolling her eyes at the group.

She goes into the kitchen to make herself some coffee and bump's straight into Trevor. She stares at him for a second mesmerized by him.

"Hey sorry T, I didn't see you there." He says laughing and picking up his phone he dropped.

"No, I'm sorry I bumped into you. Your phone ok Trev?" She replies nervously scared she broke it.

"It's completely fine, trust me I've done worse to this thing." He replied while grabbing a cup of coffee.

"That's good. What are you up to today?" She answered with relief that she didn't damage his phone.

"I'm actually guest starring in a board af video today. I think I saw your name on the call sheet." He says nonchalantly while making his coffee.

"Yeah I'm in that video well I guess I'll see you later then." She says as she grabs her coffee and hurries out of the kitchen trying to get away from the situation.

"See you then T." He replies watching her leave and admiring her beauty and her character.

As Tosha leaves she sees her Uncle and Aunts in the corner watching. They tried their best to hide but she saw them.

"I saw you three and we are not talking about it right now. Let's go, we've got a morning meeting to go to." Tosha says to them slightly embarrassed as she walks to the conference room.

Shayne, Courtney, & Forest smile seeing that their plan is working perfectly. They follow Tosha ready for the next stage in their plan.

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