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The next lessons came and went by pretty fast. Nothing eventful happened as Chester had spent the majority of his time drawing or rather sleeping. Now that he was free, Chester wondered where to go. Home? Definitely not. The last thing he needed was to be home with his father. He needed a break. Chester went to the nearest store and bought some bread. He went to the park and sat down on the bench. He began throwing crumbs of bread at the pigeons. Man, he looked lame. Sitting in a park alone and feeding pigeons. What could he do? His life has already been messed up. A father that can't love him, a mother that's dead and...
What is he doing here. Now is not the time to get emotional. If only he could just disappear so he won't have to face the problems of this world.

'If you did disappear, you wouldn't be able to annoy Mandy and pinch her cheek'

Was it worth it to disappear? No. Not a chance he'd miss to annoy Mandy. In the distance, he caught onto a melody of a guitar. No. He couldn't be here, not after what I said about him behind his back. It was Poco. Who else would play a guitar?
He had to hide. What a guy he was. Speaking behind his back to gain attention.
Slowly, Chester got up and left, crossing the road to the other side of the street.

- Heeey, friend!

Chester winced at being called friend.
He turned around.

- Uhm, Hi Poco?

- What are you doing? I haven't seen you in a while.

- Well, Im a bit busy right now, so I have to get going.


- Oh, well, Im sorry to interrupt. I was just going to stay here with you when I saw you at the store, but I guess you have other things to worry about, heh,
this is awkward.

'It's even more awkward for me.'

- Catch you later then, Chester.

- Yeah, you too, hehe.

'He doesn't know about the gossiping yet,
Im such a scumbag'

Chester was walking away from Poco. He kept his head low as if the guilt that he had been feeling was now heavy on him. Where would he go? It's all so difficult it's as if he was forced to see his father. Outside of school, Chester is a nobody, just another person in the crowd. He had been a terrible person to Poco. Maybe he deserves to feel miserable.

'What happened to my day being perfect because of Mandy?'

Anyway, he was tired of the facade. He was tired of this really nice guy who jokes around and has fun never once thinking seriously. He's just tired from all of this. Chester turned around and saw Poco still there.

- Hey Poco!

- Yes?

- Can I come over at your place?

- Sure, I would love your company.

He made his way to Poco, and when they were both together, they started walking towards his house.

- Uhm, what will you do with that bread?


Mandy walked towards her house, ready to collapse onto her bed after the long and tiresome day. Not only had she been tired, but she was also confused by Chester's behavior. She opened the front door with her keys and went in the house. Her parents were still working so she got the whole house for herself. Mandy walked up the stairs to her room. When she entered, she threw her backpack near her bed and collapsed onto the bed face first. It had been a pretty tiring day. First, the stress from paying attention in class, trying not to miss even a single word the teacher said while also dealing with Chester's acting up.
It was surely weird for him not to act up for a day in front of the class. Now, she'll have to deal with him joking about her being so flustered with him. Surely, if she ignored him, he'd stop, right? But there was also something at that moment. The closeness of one another, it felt so intense. It made her feel as if she was short on her breath, and a heaviness on her chest was taking her breath away. Stupid Chester, why'd he have to make her feel this way? She felt herself dozing on her thoughts of Chester being Chester. She slept comfortably on her bed.

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