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Chester walked back from Mandy's house. He never felt this confused before. Chester needed to lay down and actually plan out how he was going to proceed with his relationship with Mandy. From today forward, he was going to get his life together. First, he needed to plan what to do with the gang he picked a fight with. He would need to deal with them first. Chester would need to keep his head low and keep a distance from Mandy. If they saw him together with Mandy, they would use her as a means to get closer to him. Damn! What was he going to do? What excuse could he make up to keep Mandy away from him? How was he going to get out of this mess while keeping Mandy safe from these hooligans. It was all getting to him. He crossed the street where he saw a certain someone. Chester saw Poco. He kept his hands in his pockets and his head low while passing him. Poco stopped him by grabbing him by his arm. Chester looked back at him, confused.

- Look, about yesterday. Im sorry.

'Was this fool serious? He was the one that was supposed to be apologizing to him.'

- Why are you apologizing? I should be the one doing that.

- I know, but. Im still sorry about kicking you out like that.

Chester couldn't take his persistent nature anymore.

- Poco. Please stop with your apologizing, you don't have to apologize for reacting the way a normal person would. Let's just move on and pass each other like we are strangers. What do you say?

Poco remained quiet as he was puzzled by Chester's reaction.

- At least you were honest with me. Thank you. But something is still bothering me.
Why were you gossiping about me?

' It was because he is a loser trying to gain someone's respect by drowning down others'

- It was because I wanted to gain their respect. Only now I saw what a mistake I made.

Suddenly, Poco looked at him very seriously. He spoke

- If your wish is for us to be just strangers and nothing more. Then I will respect it.

'I can't deal with anymore relationships.'

- I'm not ready to deal with another relationship. Let's just part ways and walk away as if we never knew each other.

- If that's what you want, then okay.

Chester and Poco went their separate ways, but something inside Chester told him they would meet again someday. Chester was walking towards a bench. It had just rained, but it's a good thing this bench was covered by a building. He sat down to think for a bit. It was only Tuesday, and he knew this week was going to be rough on him.  What would he do about Mandy? Good thing she was sleeping. She needs a rest from his problems. What would he do about the drugs? He knew he was too weak to try to stop them. As Chester was looking at the tree in front of him and the gray clouds in the background, he sighed. He'd do it for her. For nobody else would he come clean except for her. What would he do with the drugs? He could sell them. Yeah, that seemed like a good idea. Chester was searching for something. He got out a black ski mask and hid behind the building. This place was perfect for a meet up, he just had to wait a bit. If he saw nobody coming, he would go home. Chester put on the ski mask and got his hood up. He stood behind the building, poking out his head once in a while to see if there was someone. After half an hour, he saw a gang walking. It was dark outside, and it wasn't the first time Chester was selling drugs, and he knew exactly who to look for. The bad thing was that he didn't know who was a cop and who wasn't, so he had to be careful not to get caught. He slowly stood near the corner of the building, suggesting that he was selling some. As soon as they saw him, they knew. One of them made their way towards him. As the teen came closer, he realized it was a member of the gang he picked a fight with. What did he care anyway. It wasn't like they could tell it was Chester behind the mask.

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