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Edgar hit Chester with a low blow to his stomach, which made Chester back away. Instead, Edgar followed him and hit him in the sides until he was forced up against the cracked window. Edgar began delivering powerful blows to his solar plexus. Blow after blow Chester felt his breath fall out of his lungs. It was as if he was hit with the same metal bat. Chester's knees gave out, and he fell down, Chester was still holding onto the bat. Chester heard Edgar pant.

- You put up a good fight.

Chester was looking down. He felt a burning sensation in his center. He couldn't deliver a blow to his feet. That would be way too obvious. Chester thought of what to do. An idea came to mind. Edgar was getting ready to hit him full force against the wall when he saw the bat shoot up towards his chin. It hit him, and in that moment, Chester grabbed onto Edgar and, with full force, threw him out of the cracked window. The window ended up shattering, and Edgar flew out of the window. Chester slowly leaned on the window frame. He avoided the glass that was on it. Chester looked down at where he threw Edgar and saw that Edgar was fine. He rolled his way through. Edgar walked off.

'That was stupid. What will I do now? And where did that bubble gum girl go?'

Chester had realized something fatal. Edgar was just toying with him while the rest of his thugs took the rest. He really was unbeatable. How would he clean this mess up?


Mandy was at the mall today. She wanted to spend some money she had been saving up. It was a good day. She wasn't as sick anymore. Mandy was walking with her friends, Lola and Emz. Mandy didn't really like the way Emz was named, so she preferred to call her Emy or Emily because it gave her a full name. They went out after school ended because her friends still had to go to school.

- Hey, Mandy.

Mandy looked at Lola.

- Is it true that you like Chester?

Emy spoke up.

- Yeah! Tell us about it?

She was caught off guard because of this.
Mandy looked away as she felt her ears heat up, and it wasn't because of the cold she had.

- I...

I don't know.

They looked at her confused.

- What do you mean you don't know?!
Don't you see the way he teases you and gives you attention like you're the only girl in class?!?

Mandy thought for a bit.

- It's more complicated than that, Emy. I do enjoy his presence, but there is something more that I know about, and I won't be sharing!

Mandy set up a standard for herself. She wasn't going to say anything about Chester to make him look like the bad guy. He has had enough horrible people. The tone of Emy's voice changes from that of teasing to that of a plea.

- Please!! #Sharing is caring

Lola joined in, too. It was very unlikely of her.

- Yeah. I also want to know what you know.
How about we have a talk after we're done shopping for today.

Emy suddenly chirped in.

- Yeah!

A gurl talk!

Mandy didn't know what to make of the whole situation. She'll just ignore them for now.


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