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Chester was walking near the side of the road, slowly making his way to his house. While walking, he saw a group of teenagers his age, some of them in the same class as him. There were a few of them who he didn't recognize. So far, he recognized Bibi and Crow. There were 12 of them total, some of them he didn't know. Once he made eye contact with one of them, preferably the biggest one, something told him they weren't just going to meet and greet. He looked down at the ground, afraid of what was to happen if he were to continue looking at him. He just kept walking until one of them purposefully bumped with him. Chester looked back over his shoulder to see a guy with a long scarf.

- Do we have a problem?

The guy spoke. He was shorter than Chester, but he was still average height.

'Just get out of there. You don't know more than half of these people'

Chester's thoughts screamed at him. If only he were a little bit more sensible.

- What if I say I do?

Chester said with a cheeky smile.

- Then let's solve it...


Chester had been disrespected. If only he let it slide.

- Now you've done it!

Chester walked towards the guy, but as he was walking, he got hit in the knee with a bat. His knee bent, and he had to lean onto the wall for support. Bibi came closer but was pushed aside by the guy with the scarf.

- This is between me and him!

- I wanted to have this clown for myself.

Bibi said while resting her bat onto her shoulders and blowing her bubble gum. As they were arguing, Chester pushed himself off the wall, and as he was about to land a punch on Bibi, when the largest of the group, the one with the piercing on his nose, grabbed his fist and charged him against the wall. Chester was crushed. He felt his knee give out, but just then, he got an adrenaline rush, which made him grab his piercing and rip it out of his nose. His nose was lacerated and bloody. A large chunk of flesh was ripped out of his nose, and the enormous beast grabbed his nose.
Now was the time to get the hell out of there. With him not feeling pain anymore, he broke free of the giant's grip and pushed him against the others. Chester began running and made his way to an alleyway. He climbed up the fence and continued running. Chester looked back and saw that the scarf guy was chasing him. The guy jumped over the fence and was faster than him. Just as he was about to catch Chester. Chester threw the loaf of bread and made a sharp turn down the alleyway. Chester saw a window leading to an apartment complex, so in a last resort, he climbed up the fire escape and swooped in through the window. He was now inside someone's apartment. Chester looked around as he sat on the bathtub. He was panting. With the adrenaline wearing off, he looked around the room and saw that he was in the bathroom. He opened the door and looked around. There was an old lady watching TV. Chester quietly made his way through her living room and, as goofy as he was, triped on a stool near her. The old lady turned around and was surprised when she saw Chester sitting on her floor.

- And who are you dear?

- I'm just coming through. Don't mind me.

With that said, Chester apologized for the sudden intrusion and left on a good note smiling sheepishly as he left.

He was lucky.


Mandy was reading in her bed. She was reading some biology books.She kept thinking about Chester. She couldn't get him out of her mind. Mandy closed her notebook.

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