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Later that day

The door to Chester's house flew open from a kick. The hinges fell, and someone entered inside. His boots made heavy noises throughout the house, and the sound of rain was heard from outside. They followed behind him. It was Bull. Behind him was Edgar and Bibi. Crow was waiting outside the backyard. Bull entered first and started to search for Chester. He started to rummage through his house. He took a few things and decided to search over somewhere else. Edgar went inside Chester's room. He opened the door with caution until Bibi stopped him.

- Careful.

Edgar looked at her and didn't pay attention to her. He opened the door and went inside. His room was miserable, to say the least. Edgar looked around. He found a rolled up dollar bill on the ground. It had a white powder at the end.

'He takes drugs.'

Inside his room was only a mattress, a chair and a small table. That was what was inside his room. Only that. Edgar looked around.

'Nothing here.'

- You find him?

Bibi's voice called out.

Edgar walked out and went towards the living room. He waited for them to finish up searching. They regroup in the living room.

- So, where do you think he is?

Bibi said. They remained silent. Bibi was getting angrier by the second.

- Let's rough up his house a bit. We can't just leave it like that.

- There is nothing for us to rough up Bibi. This place is empty and there is nothing except a TV, a chair, a fridge, and a few sofas and mattresses.

Edgar answered. Chester really had nothing.

- Let's leave it.

Crow answered.

- You really wanna let go of what he did to you?

Bull answered. Crow remained silent. It was like that for a while until Bull spoke up.

- That motherfucker has to pay! If you insist on running away like a coward then fine, but I'm not gonna let it slide!

- Now that I think about it. I think I do know a way we could pay him back.

Bibi said. She had a cunning smile on her face. Someone's voice was heard. A stranger's voice inside the house, but Bibi quickly picked up on who it was.

It was Leon.

- Enlighten us.

Edgar turned towards his direction quickly. He was hiding in the shadows of the coridor.

'He must've entered through the window.'

- Who invited him here?

Bull spoke.

- Must've been an open party.

Leon said in the dark.

- So... Are you going to say what your plan is?

Leon spoke again.

The tension was rising with every second.

- You want to contribute?

Bibi asked him.

Only silence was heard from the other end.

- I do know how we can get in his head. I heard that Mandy has a very... personal relationship with him. We could rough her up and bait him.

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