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They had made it to Mandy's house. It was the first time Chester was at her house. Her house was very spacious and looked very modern. Mandy spoke:

- First! Go take a shower.

Mandy went towards the bathroom and came back with a towel.

- Are you saying that I smell bad??

Chester looked at her, confused. Mandy ignored him and left to tidy up her room. She got him some clothes from the guest room and quickly ran across the corridor where Chester was just turning the corner. She bumped into him. Mandy bounced back and was about to fall when Chester snaked his arm around her waist.

- Be more careful next time, will you?

Mandy rolled her eyes at him and gave him spare clothes for him to wear after he was done cleaning himself. She could prepare tea for them. Yeah, that would be a good idea, she thought happily.

While turning on the stove, she got two packets of tea and two cups for it. She filled the kettle with water and let it heat up on the stove. Chester made his way into the bathroom, where he turned on the water and began cleaning himself. Mandy had desperately tried to think of something else while Chester was taking a shower. She had all kinds of thoughts about him. It was strange. The more she told herself not to think about it, the more she thought about it. Oh well, she'd find something to do while the kettle was heating up. Oh, she had a few croissants left from today. She opened her backpack, which was next to Chester's. She seemed rather curious as to what he had inside his bag. Would she sneak a quick peak at his backpack? What could he carry except notebooks and whatever else. She unzipped his bag and went through his stuff. She didn't find anything alarming....

....that is, until she looked at the bottom of the bag. There, she found what seemed to be a transparent bag with what seemed to be crystals of some sort. Was he taking this stuff? If not, then what was it doing inside his bag. She heard the sound of the water turn off. She quickly zipped his bag up. She took two of her croissants and set them on small plates at the coffee table. The sound of the kettle was heard as she quickly made her way to the stove. Chester was out of the shower. Mandy was in the kitchen. With the information of what Chester was carrying every day at school, she felt a bit uneasy. How was she going to question him about it? What would she say?

- You'll burn yourself.

Mandy jumped up a bit, startled by him being behind her. Chester was in a towel, and he was behind her. Mandy could feel the way he was positioned behind her. A few drops of water landed on her exposed shoulder. She squirmed a bit from the feeling of being so close to Chester. He was in only a towel. What happened to the clothes she gave him? She heard the sound of his voice against her ear.

- Let me take care of this.

She was still uneasy from him. Mandy left things in Chester's care while she made her way to the bathroom to check what had happened to the clothes. They were nowhere to be found. What was even more odd was the fact that when she looked at the water heater level, it was at full capacity. Chester hadn't even used hot water to wash himself. She looked back at him only to find that he had his clothes on, and she was imagining him in only a towel. His hair was still wet.

- You seem nervous.

Chester spoke.

- Uhm, well I've never had a friend over.

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