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The gun fired, and it cocked back. Smoke came off the barrel of the gun, and he looked at the body on the ground. His brains were scattered all over the corridor walls , and the blood splattered all over the floor. With the release of the hammer, it all happened fast. Chester died that night. The gun fell from his hands. The cold metal hit the floor almost as if to suggest an exclamation mark. It was over. His lifeless eyes looked at the corpse on the ground. They heard the shot ring out from a mile away. The cops kicked down the door, and heavy footsteps were heard throughout the corridor. With each second, they were approaching. The cops turned the corner and flashed their flashlights at the figure in the dark, standing beside the corpse with it's head off. Pieces of brain and flesh were falling off of the walls, and a blood splattered face was staring right back at them. His eyes were dead, and his hands twitching. He could only hear the noise from the gunshot in his ear and the cops yelling something at him while pointing the gun towards him. The corpse had its head split from the gunshot wound, and pieces of red hair were still on the disfigured face. The cops took him by the arms and put handcuffs on him while dragging him out of the house. Everything was a blur. They put him inside the car and started driving towards the police station. With his hands cuffed and his face painted with drops of red, he looked down with lifeless eyes. It was as if they both died that day.


It was Sunday. Two days after the incident. Mandy got ready to meet up with her friend at the city center. She dressed up in a long nice dress and put a bit of makeup on her. When she was ready, she looked in the mirror and liked her appearance. Mandy looked at the time. It was time. She got her bag and started walking towards the city center. Mandy arrived at the location and saw her classmates. Emy waved her hand over at her, and Mandy walked over towards her.
She looked at Emy.

- Wow, you're so fabulous! I really like your pink dress. I think it suits you.

Mandy felt happy from her compliment, so she decided to hug Emy. When they were done, Emy introduced her to the group. It felt awkward, but that was mainly the point of all of this. To loosen up a bit. Mandy shook hands with everyone, except the person she wasn't allowed to see. They went over to the benches and sat down. Mandy looked at her classmates.

- Uhm. I hope I didn't make enemies with any of you guys.

Someone unfamiliar spoke.

- Oh no. You rarely were trouble.

Someone else from the crowd spoke up.

- Hey, where is Chester? He should be here for his girlfriend.

The person said jokingly. Mandy, in return, didn't take lightly to her joke.

- What is it with me and Chester?

- What is there not to talk about you and him. He would always follow you around like a puppy. Not to mention half of the time he was the reason you were pissed off.

- Yeah. He always teased or joked with you, and you were always on edge around him, but we don't know what happened to you and how you lost your memories. Chester also seems to be avoiding being with you in particular.

- It's because Chester is a drug dealer.

They all turned towards the person who spoke. It was Bibi. Her gaze was towards Mandy, who looked confused.

- And he wants you to keep out of his life because you'll get hurt. That's why you lost your memory. You were hit by someone involved with Chester.

They were quiet. Mandy spoke up.

- How do you know this.

- It's because Chester was involved with us.


- We had a misunderstanding and... let's just say that we cleared it up

'They cleared it up by using me as bait. That's why Chester was bruised up.'

- You did this to me, didn't you? You used me so you could get closer to Chester.

Bibi's gaze fell down.

- Yes. I came here to just say that Chester isn't the person you all know him as.

Bibi said as she walked away. Mandy followed behind her and grabbed her by the hand.

- Tell me what happened. Tell me what you did.

- This is all I know. Ask Chester. After all, he did save you from us.

Mandy released her grip on Bibi and walked towards Emy.

- Where is Chester's house?

She asked her.

- I'll show you. Just stay behind me and follow me.

Emy said as she started to walk faster.

- I'll go with you too!

Poco began running and passed by both of them. Lola saw this and walked forward. They took of jogging towards Chester's house. After 15 minutes of continuous jogging. The sun was setting, and they looked at the house ahead. There were cops and the whole place was taped with do not cross tape. They slowly walked up to the house and looked at two people with hazmat suits and cleaning equipment. There were also medical examiners. Mandy walked up to one of the cops.

- Where is Chester?

She looked at him. He noticed her asking but didn't tell her anything. Poco stepped forward.

- What happened here, Officer?

The Officer pulled Poco away from the rest and

- There was a murder here inside this house.

Poco remained silent at what the cop said to him next.


- Did you kill him in self-defense?

The Officer asked him. In return, he only stared at his hands. He waited a bit before answering.

- Yes.

- When he came home, did you notice him acting weird or?

- No.

The buzzing of the light above them was distracting. The Officer looked at the person opposite him. It was disturbing, questioning a killer who supposedly was acting in 'self defense'. The cop cleared his throat and continued with the questioning.

- The cops were supposed to come for questioning, but the door was locked at the time of the incident. Why is that?

The killer looked at the cop.

- Are you trying to say that I planned this killing? I acted in self-defense. In no way did I plan to kill anybody. He took the gun and tried to kill me!

Silence followed after.

- Alright.

The cop said as he slowly gathered up the pictures of the crimescene. He stood up, and the sound of footsteps leaving was heard. The door opened, and the cop walked out of the room. Leaving only him, alone in the room.

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