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Chester woke up for school. It was 6:50, and he had school in an hour, so he had plenty of time to get ready and even stop by the bakery. No, thinking about it, he needed to save the last penny to buy new window panels. Chester was going to make himself some pancakes today. He had chocolate and a few eggs along with some milk. Chester knew how to make pancake batter at home. Chester got up and went to the bathroom to check on his wound first and to throw away his bandage. He couldn't let Mandy see this time because she was really going to question it this time. He began to wrap a new bandage around his forearm, and when he was done, he began to floss his teeth and brush them. When he was done, he washed his face and went downstairs. Chester got a few eggs out and a bowl for mixing. He cracked a few eggs and poured some milk into the mixed eggs. He started to mix with his left hand because his right was hurt. Chester turned on the stove and got out a pan. He let it heat up while he was mixing the batter. Chester got out a laddle so he could pour the mixture into the pan. He could still feel the pain in his arm, so he used his other to hold the pan while his right began to pour the mixture into it. He guided the mixture into a circle and left it up to heat a bit. Damn, he needed something to distract him from the need to...

Chester snapped out of his thoughts as he used his hand to grab a plate and transfer the pancake onto it. Chester scooped up the batter again, but this time, he squeezed his right hand too hard, and it ended up hurting, so he dropped the laddle on the floor. The mixture spilled onto the floor and ruined his socks. Chester held onto the pan and felt his arm begin to strain a bit from the way he squeezed it. He used too much force to hold the laddle, and it hurt. His day was officially ruined, and he also couldn't extend his wrist because he was afraid that the wound would open up and bleed again. He slowly took the laddle off of the ground and started to wash it. Once he washed it, he went to the bathroom to grab the mop. Chester slowly wiped the floor clean with his left hand and his right, using only a little force to maneuver the broom. Once he was done, he poured the dirty water down the toilet and flushed it. Chester looked at the time. It was 7:20. He was quite fast. Chester returned to his room to grab a pair of new socks. He has to do the laundry, too. Chester threw his dirty socks and returned to the kitchen. This time, he was careful and ended up making 17 pancakes in total. He could also pack them up in his bag. Chester took a transparent box of some sort and washed it clean. He took 5 pancakes and packed them. Chester ate up 4 pancakes with some chocolate. Once he was done, he left the plate covered with a bag so that they didn't crunch up at the ends. He took his backpack and left the house. Chester locked it and walked towards school. A thought crossed Chester's mind.

'Did I turn off the stove?'

Chester turned to the opposite direction and started to walk towards his house. Once he was there, he unlocked the door and went inside the kitchen. The stove was turned on. Chester quickly turned it off and walked out of the house. He locked the door again and began to walk towards the school. He could give Mandy some of his pancakes if she'd like. A few minutes later, he arrived at the school. Chester opened the front doors and walked in. He went towards his classroom and walked in. Chester sat down on the chair and took off his backpack with his left hand.

'Damn, it hurts.'

Chester needed to buy more bandages. The teacher entered the class and took out a few sheets of paper. Chester supposed that she would be returning their tests. He waited for a while while the teacher did her inspection, and after she was done, she started calling out names. After a few minutes, Chester's name was called out. He stood up and walked over to the teacher's desk. She gave him his test, and Chester took a look at it. Well, it was good. He was 1 grade close to getting an excellent mark. It couldn't be helped. Chester returned the test and sat down on his chair again. He slowly laid his head in his arms and began to listen to the teacher's voice, telling them how disappointed she is. He thought about something else.

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