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Chester thought about what he had done to Mandy. He left a bite mark on her delicate neck. He really was the worst. He looked around him and saw a couple of patients in their hospital bed. One of them spoke.

- The nurse would come soon.

Most of them were really old people, so they were really kind. Chester felt the bandage around his forehead. Oh yeah. Mandy's mother had hit him on his forehead with a cup. As he thought about it, a young woman came into the room he was in. She quickly made her way to his bedside.

- Where are your parents? We're still trying to contact them.

Chester chuckled internally.

'The heck should he know. His dead beat father hasn't even shown up a day at his school in his life.'

- Don't bother to contact them anyway.

The nurse looked at Chester, a bit confused from his words.

- We still need to identify you guardians and contact them for them to know that you're okay.

- Heh. I certainly don't think my father would give a second thought about me.

- Well, if not your father, then grandparents or any relatives. Do you have anyone close to you that you can contact?

Chester remained silent before he made up his mind and answered.

- No.

The nurse looked at him with a little pity.

- Would you like to know what injuries you've received? And would you bother to answer how you've received them?

- Sure. Just spare me the useless stuff.

- You've got a head injury. You got a cut about 3 centimeters big/ 1 inch big. It was probably caused by an object collision because the area has received a purple spot from the impact. We bandaged up the area, and seeing as you're not of age to pay, we've tried to contact your father, but his phone number is busy. You've also got a fever and you came without your shoes on. Also, you may be malnutritioned based on the fact that your face is all skinny.

Chester waited for her to finish and ended up saying one word:

- Perfect.

- Where are your parents? Don't they want to see if you're okay?

Chester ignored the nurse and got up from his bed.

- You can't just walk out of the hospital. It's night outside, and it's cold! At least wait until your father comes......

- Listen here, miss! I won't wait for that imbecile, let alone see him, so just leave me alone.

The patients around looked at the nurse and the kid arguing. They were entertained.

- You're not going anywhere in your condition, young man!

- Oh yeah? Watch me!

Chester walked towards the exit, and as he was walking, he stopped when he saw a cop with purple hair. She was a woman, and she looked scary. Behind her was the cop he saw today. The moment he locked eyes with one of them, he knew he was going to be in trouble.

- What's the matter here?

The cop stood at the front.

Chester stopped in his tracks. He needed to bail out.

- Officer Shelly, Officer Colt. We've got a young boy who came in a pharmacy and passed out. We still have no idea where his parents are. We tried contacting his father, but there's still no answer.

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